Rama Mission
Path to Infinity
Cosmic Plan
Mission Tasks
Galaxy Council
Cosmic Termination
(Extra/Intra)terrestrial Guides
Communications from ETs received telepathically or in person
Display #
2015-09-29 Communication from Amin Tah. - Recover the memory of the Mother Molecule
Hits: 777
2015-04-17 Communication from Joaquin. - Work endlessly, work tools, pray
Hits: 502
2015-04-12 Direct Communication with Ivika. - The Minius, The Ark spaceship: humanity's survival
Hits: 691
2014-10-05 Communication from Archer and Antarel. - Contact with the Great White Brotherhood
Hits: 575
2014-05-08 Communication from Oxalc and Sampiac. - Major Plan for Instructors
Hits: 758
2014-04-21 Communication from Abudamir. - How to awaken the Inner Master
Hits: 889
2013-07-14 Communication from Mardorx. - New time, rapid changes
Hits: 573
2012-11-18 Communication from Mardorx. - Real time, hidden knowledge exposed
Hits: 515
2011-12-16 Communication from Alcir, Joaquin and the Guides. - Heart connection, love is the key, 2012
Hits: 474
2010-08-15 Communication from Oxalc, Joaquin. Book of the White Vestments
Hits: 388
2010-06-19 Communication from Oxalc and Sampiac. - World Rama groups, recognize each as brothers
Hits: 621
2007-10-16 Communication from Alcir. - Mind and heart balance, Rama Path
Hits: 728
2007-07-19 Communication from Alcir. - Trips preparation
Hits: 527
2006-10-25 Communication from Antarel, Joaquin, Alcir, Cecea and Oxalc. - Key 33
Hits: 594
2006-04-25 Communication from Oxalc. - Purpose of Rama Encounters, Outings and Mission trips
Hits: 703
2005-08-27 Communication from Oxalc, Sampiac, Guides and Maestros from the Rama Mission. - Essentiality of inner contact, Rama
Hits: 554
2003-11-08 Communication from Rumilac and Anitac. - The mission, solar call
Hits: 522
2003-10-01 Communication from Alcir and Soromez. - What are the Solar Disks
Hits: 516
2003-09-02 Communication from Soromez and Abudamir. - Solar Disk
Hits: 511
2003-07-12 Communication from Alcir. - Inner Paititi
Hits: 505
2003-06-16 Communication from Soromez and the 7 Rays Brotherhood. - Seven regents
Hits: 484
2003-06-14 Communication from Soromez and Soriam. - Objectives of contact with the GWB and Solar Disk
Hits: 480
2003-06-04 Communication from Alcir and Soromez. - Solar Christ consciousness, Sacred Symbols
Hits: 490
2003-03-11 Communication from Soriam and Soromez. - Solar Disk, Eternal Flame Maxim
Hits: 492
2002-08-19 Communication from Soriam and Sordaz. - Solar disk is a tool
Hits: 476
1999-12-31 Communication from the 9 of Andromeda. - Mission call, tasks for year 2000, contact with the GWB
Hits: 547
1999-08-28 Communication from Joaquin, Jesus, Oxalc, Anitac and Sampiac. - Power to change matter, send energy to Egypt, Sweden is ready
Hits: 578
1999-04-02 Communication from Jesus, Joaquin, Antar, Oxalc and the GWB. - Pray to God for illumination, God's Kindom
Hits: 516
1999-04-01 Communication from Oxalc, Sampiac, Anitac, Jesus and Joaquin. - Planetary work, work for World Peace
Hits: 536
1998-08-12 Communication from Joaquin and Jose. - Help the Elders to share with humanity
Hits: 500
Recently Added
1974-01-24 Communication from Oxalc
Power: Living example. Martin de Porres with many powers
Power: Intuition. Acquiring instant knowledge
Power: Astral Traveling. Travel when sleeping
Power: Dermo-optical Perception. See and feel an object's history
Power: Remote Viewing. See past or present events, hidden locations
Power: Telepathy. Mental communication at distances
Spiritual connection in us
Power: Bilocation. Being in 2 places at the same time
2024-12-25 Communication from a Guide. Earth's pulse, a mutation of its inhabitants
2024-12-14/15 Communication from Oxalc. Earth is evolving, light blue energy
2024-10-07 Communication from Sampiac. Connecting the 3 universes
2024-07-30 Communication from Sampiac and Antarel. Lemurian pyramids
2024-08-07 Communication from Oxalc and Sampiac. Connecting with Lemurian records
Extraterrestrials in Mesopotamia and Southeast Europe. Orion Constellation, Reptiloid people
Nicholas Roerich. Contactee with the Great White Brotherhood
2010-08-15 Communication from Oxalc, Joaquin. Book of the White Vestments
Earth's 4th Humanity. Atlantis
Earth's 3rd Humanity. Lemurians, Elohims
Earth's 1st Humanity. Antartic
Earth's 2nd Humanity. Hiperborean. Tule, Odin
Pusharo. Rock wall with petroglyphs
2010-08 Paititi Expedition. The Heart of the Planetary Spirit
Extraterrestrial Battles on Earth.
Extraterrestrials revived Earth. Up to a billion years missing from Earth's history
Hopi Tribe. An Extraterrestrial Contactee Nation
Memory of the ancestors of Lemuria
Hermes Trismegistus. One Atlantean Philosopher. The Kybalion
Gyza Pyramids. Built by Atlantean survivors
Thoth. An Atlantean God