Telepathy. Mental communication at distances 

All humans have telepathy when are born but they lose that capability as a baby because the adults don't use it and babies wire their brain according to their environment. By the time we are 2 or 3 years old we forget how to use many of the abilities that few use as adults.

Astronaut Dr Mitchell conducted ESP experiments (telepathy) on the Apolo 14 trip (1971) when he was at the dark side of the moon and 4 subjects on earth wrote down what he saw.

Aboriginal tribes in Australia use telepathy and have been numerous scientific studies confirming this method of sending messages across long distances.

The Rama contact groups have at least on each group, a person trained (called antenna) in receiving telephatic communications sent by the Extraterrestrial guides, who are doctors in mental telepathy trained to interact with people from earth.


Dr Mitchell

The long-range ESP experiment he conducted during his personal time on Apollo 14's trip to and from the moon reinforced his interest in the frontiers of perception. He wrote down sets of numbers and symbols during specific times, to see if four experimental subjects on Earth would write down anything similar.

The idea that telepathy exists hasn't gained much traction in the scientific community, but Mitchell saw the results as promising. "The experiment persuaded me that ESP could happen," he writes in the book. He retired from NASA and the U.S. Navy soon after his moon mission, and founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973.



Australia Aboriginals

Documenting the phenomenon of aboriginal telepathy entails delving into a myriad of real-life case studies and anecdotal evidence that offer a glimpse into this ancient communication method. Historically, numerous accounts have surfaced, depicting telepathic exchanges among Aboriginal people, which challenge conventional understanding. One prominent case is that of the Pitjantjatjara tribe in Australia. This tribe has been broadly studied, and researchers have documented instances where members communicated detailed messages over vast distances without any conventional means.



Rama antennas 

An Antenna is a person receiving telephatic communication from the Extraterrestrial brothers.

A bridge of contact between two beings. In this case between an extraterrestrial being and a human being (Guide-Antenna).

The Communication is received telepathically, that is, thoughts and / or feelings that flow and travel long distances reaching a receiver or antenna. Namely, the communication can be psychographic or mental. In the first case, the antenna feels the need to write, expressing on a piece of paper the content of the message that it got to capture. In the case of the mental message, this is not accompanied by automatic writing.
