The Fourth dimension. New heaven on earth
We are in a transition to a new dimension that started on Dec 21, 2012 as predicted by the Mayas ("the beginning of the new humanity"), as well as other civilizations. In the bible is referred as the "new Heaven on Earth" where there will be no more wars, sicknesses, or hunger, all the old ways will disappear and the righteous ones will be the only ones living on earth.
The violet energy coming from the center of the galaxy is making everything to vibrate faster. This is amplifying our basic natures, so people that have love in their hearts will feel more towards everything and everyone, positive people will be more positive. Negative people will be more negative and those who have hate towards everyone, more to a point that will want to kill anybody and themselves. It's like applying a 220 volts to an appliance of 110 volts, it will fry.
When we pass away, if we had love in our hearts and lived helping others, we'll reincarnate on earth on the 4th dimension, while if we didn't, we'll reincarnate on another planet on the 3rd dimension like our old earth but at the beginning of the 3rd: at the stone age and the memory of the missing opportunity of nowadays.
Our bodies are changing so it can handle this new energy, our consciousness is increasing and with it, the respect to everything in nature including the animals and our connection to mother earth. This new humanity will have as the majority all vegan, some fruitarian, and some may not even need to eat.
Our science is starting to discover tremendous cures for old sicknesses and all maladies will disappear, it's part of our normal evolution.
All of the old concepts, structures (financial, military, religious, political, social, etc.) and habits already have began to crumble so our new humanity will have a new spiritual beginning. We can't build a new house on the same terrain unless we demolish the old one.
A new United Nations will be created that will have all nations and will truly represent the whole humanity and the human race with the first planetary government on earth.
Our understanding of God will increase and will realize that everything is part of his will and our humanity has a special place in his plan.
Then the masters of masters, the son of man, Jesus will come back to earth, not to judge but to dwell among those who understood his message of life by helping others with love and forgiveness like he did.
The new heaven and new earth are also mentioned in Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 66:22, and 2 Peter 3:13. Peter says that the new heaven and new earth will be “where righteousness dwells.” Isaiah says that “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Things will be completely new, and the old order of things, with the accompanying sorrow and tragedy, will be gone.
What are the new Heavens and the new Earth:
Cosmic Hierarchy: Diagram of Universes, dimensions and our 7 bodies