


The Cosmic Plan


Emmanuel, The Son of GOD


In the Mental Universe, there is a great being called Emmanuel, who represents God as Christ, and He is known as the Son of the essential Father of all (The Son of GOD). Beings who dwell in the Mental Universe must also seek to know the Absolute in terms of faith, and it is told that one of these beings (called Lucifer) rebelled against the preservation of the order inspired from an understanding of a Spiritual Universe whose existence couldn't be demonstrated.

Before proceeding with an explanation of Lucifer's position, it seems necessary to inform the reader that a great challenge arose in the evolutionary scheme of things. It was found that the evolution of planetary civilizations almost came to a halt after the Fifth Dimensional Level of the Physical Universe was reached.

  It seems that a highly structured educational process guided by entities from the Mental Universe curtailed a necessary "freshness" in the evolving souls of these civilizations. They had a very effective initial rate of progress, advancing rapidly from the Third Dimension to the Fourth and the Fifth, but few reached the Sixth and none the Seventh (considered the Christed level). Perhaps a lack of challenge or too much contentment was responsible for slowing down the rate of progress after a certain level of achievement was reached.

  Following this situation, Lucifer proposed to alter the way the evolutionary system was being organized. He wanted to allow a greater amount of free will to begin with the beings in the Mental Universe, and then to extend this to the evolving civilizations of the Physical Universe. In other words, he believed that faith alone could not determine how life should be structured, and thus challenged the existing order.

  With regards to these proposals, Emmanuel objected. His position regarding greater free will in the Mental Universe was in support of continuing a restriction. For example, he knew that beings who possessed complete knowledge and held key roles in maintaining the order of manifestation had to remain faithful to their task, or otherwise, chaos would follow.

  Moreover, his position towards planetary civilizations, which had already undergone much of their evolution under the established norms, was that changes would be self-defeating at this stage because they were already too set in their ways. He thought that in order to try a new system, a new civilization had to be created.

  At this time, Emmanuel conceived an archetype of humanity capable of more spontaneous development, with a greater capacity for love and expression. It would be humanity that would eventually establish a greater link among the three universes and would be able to reach the Seventh Dimensional Christic Level.

  This humanity would serve as an example for the Cosmos and help other civilizations go beyond their current level of advancement. Lucifer, who initiated a schism of cosmic proportions, disliked the idea because he felt that, perhaps one day, the new civilization would threaten or surpass the roles of those beings in the mental Universe.

  Cosmic hierarchies finally decided to experiment by creating humanities in different galaxies that would follow Emmanuel's vision. hoping, in this way, that the experiment would be successful in some galaxy. Indeed, in this sector of the Milky Way, our planet was chosen among ten other "UR" planets which posses a blue aura and are capable of holding exuberant life.

  Our planet was chosen by the 24 Elders of the galaxy; and, as it was still cooling down, evolved beings from a star system in the Constellation of the Swan (Cygnus) established a colony in the Antarctic and helped to turn acid oceans into alkaline. Within Rama Mission these beings are referred to as the "Ancient Fathers". They studied our world and planted life spores. Once life began to evolve, this first humanity on our planet departed from what was considered an unstable world.

  Millions of years later, other colonists arrived establishing another foreign humanity in what today is known as Northern Europe. Within Mission Rama, they are known as the "Hyperboreans", and their main settlement is remembered in myths as "Thule". The Hyperboreans were beings from the "Ra" civilization originating in the start system of Vega, as well as, beings from a start system in the Constellation of Orion, the Constellation of Pleyades, and "Apunians" from the nearby star, Alpha Centauri. While these colonists brought several species to Earth, millions of years of natural evolution also took place; and, at some point in time, hominids appeared.



The Elohims


After the hominids appeared, it was decided that the time was right to create a humanity indigenous to Earth. Seven genetic engineers known as Elohim established a laboratory in an area between what was the continent of Lemuria and the continent of Africa. First, they created a race of androgynous humans, but they were found to be too weak to resist the hostile living conditions on the planet (which are partly created by certain radiation from the Sun). The original separation of the sexes was then restored, and the hybrids were allowed to continue to become what we now call the "Lemurians", which are the ancestors of the original human race.


Extraterrestrial intervention on Earth became more complex than expected as Luciferean forces caused much disagreement. Other cross-breading or hybridization experiments were also performed, and other extraterrestrial civilizations became karmically entangled with us. A cosmic schism, led by Lucifer, took place and extraterrestrial battles are hinted in certain Vedic texts. Myths about sky gods intermingling with humans are also found in many cultures. For example, in Tassili, Africa, records of extraterrestrial presence appear to have been found in prehistoric cave dwellings.

Among stories of extraterrestrial involvement received, there is one that involves deportation. Thousands of years ago, a group of beings that had been involved in the destruction of a planet variously called Maldek, Mayona, or Tir (among other names) that existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was physically deported to Earth to purge their heavy karma. They were supposed to aid us in our evolution, but instead of helping us they began to use their abilities for their own purposes.

  As this turn of events took place, those stiff faithful to the goal set by Emmanuel sent a group of cosmic volunteers sent to restore the balance. It wasn't long before both groups lost their physical forms and remained as part of our evolutionary system confined in a subtler dimension.

  Those working for Christ Consciousness established their headquarters in Shamballah located in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. Agartha, the "Internal Positive Government of Earth", became a guiding force towards enlightenment and Truth. On the other hand, the negatively oriented group of deported beings formed a "Dark Brotherhood", have tried to mislead humanity, and have tried to keep people ignorant about their true potentials.





About 25,000 years ago, the adverse effects of the deported beings from Maldek began to affect what was considered another promising hybridization experiment: Atlantis. Humans in Atlantis had maintained a close connection with some extraterrestrials civilizations and followed a different path from other less culturally advanced human populations on the planet. It seems that direct Atlantean influence on other parts of the world had been partially limited to allow others to evolve in their own ways.

  After a period of harmony in the Atlantean civilization, divisions arose, and the final downfall of Atlantis took place between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago. Many myths of flood and survival remind us of this event. One of these myths is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh in which the story of Utnapishtim is told (the biblical personification of Noah derived from this story).

After the destruction of Atlantis, efforts to save the great experiment on Earth were undertaken. These efforts were centered upon establishing cultural seeds to stimulate the formation of more complex and spiritually enlightened civilizations.

  They took place both in the Old and New Worlds. For example in Sumer, instructors arrived for a limited period of time to establish communities which were left under the direction of a "patesi" or especially trained spiritual/political leader. Continuous invasion from neighboring groups ruined the experiment. Another case is that of Egypt in which a spacecraft arrived bringing two instructors (later called Isis and Osiris) that brought knowledge which, unfortunately, became monopolized to serve the interest of a minority.



Jesus, The Son of Man


Once these efforts failed, a better plan of action was adopted. A special genetic The Son of God and the Son of Man taught as one, bringing the teachings by word and example, that we must die to our ego, surrender to our loving Creator, and resurrect our Christ Self. Master (Maestro) Jesus and Emmanuel also emphasized the need to love God above all else, and to love all men as oneself.

The extraterrestrial guides, who took part in these teachings and established contact through Rama Mission, have also taught that our greatest challenge and necessity lies in development a universal consciousness of service to the Creator and the Christ. They do not desire physical contact to become the reason for working with them. Their presence should, instead, stimulate greater interest in establishing contact with our Inner Being, or Higher Self.

  They say that, although they have made themselves known to us because we are in a process of transformation which requires guidance and support, it is only us that can accomplish the task of conquering ourselves. The guides or "older brothers", as they are also called, do not consider themselves better than us, and do not want us to follow them unquestioningly. They want us to learn from them as much as they are willing to learn from us.


Living in accordance with the "Profound Love of Cosmic Consciousness" is a recurring theme transmitted by the guides. They once left a message that represented their teaching and practical attitudes. It says that "There is only one moment to love, and that is our whole life".



During a tele-portation experience to Morlen with the aid of a Xendra, part of a moral code of life was revealed. This code for life in Morlen is called "Bredam" and a fragment reads as follows:


"One can only see clearly with the heart, 

One can only identify correctly with intuition, 

One can only understand well with respect for reasons, 

One can only judge well with an understanding of motives, 

One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions, but above all, 

One can only teach well through example."