Cosmic Name
Cosmic Plan
(Extra/Intra)terrestrial Guides
Galaxy Council
Mission Tasks
Path to Infinity
Rama Mission
Display #
Negative karma by killing. People and animals
Hits: 60
Fourth Dimension. New Heaven on Earth
Hits: 93
Humanity's DNA changes. Christ Consciousness
Hits: 86
Rama Mission summary. Love and forgiveness
Hits: 134
Plant based, vegan foods and health
Hits: 132
Spiritual connection in us
Hits: 145
Memory of the ancestors of Lemuria
Hits: 933
Humanity's History and the Cosmic Plan.- Humanities, Extraterrestrials, Intraterrestrials, Atlantis, Sumeria, Egypt, Hebrew, Inca, Jesus, etc
Hits: 1208
Love or Fear
Hits: 1162
Hope for our future
Hits: 841
Reincarnation, Karma and Free Will
Hits: 1043
What I know about our Elder Brothers and Sisters, the Extraterrestrials
Hits: 829
Be the change
Hits: 1273
ETs 101.- Hybrids between people from earth and Extraterrestrials
Hits: 678
Extraterrestrials vibrational level
Hits: 910
ETs 101: Who are the Extraterrestrials?. - Beings of higher vibrations
Hits: 737
Earth's Spirit, orbs and other non-physical manifestations. Souls, Shumann resonances
Hits: 632
24 Basic Questions of the RAHMA ( RAMA) Practices Guide. - Including summary of ET interventions with our humanity
Hits: 1282
Fifth Era, the 144000
Hits: 1594
Our Missing Link in Evolution: The Extraterrestrials
Hits: 1402
ET Knowledge: Dimensions, Universes, Cosmic Hierarchy, Tree of Life
Hits: 1835
Meditation, Spiritual Quest, Mission Rama, ET Contact
Hits: 1941
Meditation, Spirituality and UFOs
Hits: 1598
Photos of energies at time of death, water, GMOs, places and our bodies
Hits: 1101
Meditation, Thoughts and Reality
Hits: 1489
How To Meditate - Introduction
Hits: 1227
Recently Added
Negative karma by killing. People and animals
Jesus life
Fourth Dimension. New Heaven on Earth
Crop Circles
Christ Consciousness
Humanity's DNA changes. Christ Consciousness
WVB 2006-03-26. Peru
Power: Connecting the Universes. Helping humanity and earth
Rama Mission summary. Love and forgiveness
Power: Visualization. Co-Create our own reality
2025-01-25 Communication from Antarel. 2025 better world events
Plant based, vegan foods and health
Power: Living example: Buddha with many powers
Evolution Path to Infinity. Will
Evolution Path to Infinity. Wisdom
Evolution Path to Infinity. Love
Power: Levitation. Able to walk or stay in the air
1974-01-24 Communication from Oxalc
Power: Living example. Martin de Porres with many powers
Power: Intuition. Acquiring instant knowledge
Power: Astral Traveling. Travel when sleeping
Power: Dermo-optical Perception. See and feel an object's history
Power: Remote Viewing. See past or present events, hidden locations
Power: Telepathy. Mental communication at distances
Spiritual connection in us
Power: Bilocation. Being in 2 places at the same time
2024-12-25 Communication from a Guide. Earth's pulse, a mutation of its inhabitants
2024-12-14/15 Communication from Oxalc. Earth is evolving, light blue energy
2024-10-07 Communication from Sampiac. Connecting the 3 universes
2024-07-30 Communication from Sampiac and Antarel. Lemurian pyramids