The missing link in our evolution is the extraterrestrials ( Based on the contact with extra-terrestrials - Rama Mission ). They tell us how life differs on the physical universe where the more spiritual/energy and less material the body becomes as we go higher on evolution. Life is abundant in the universe and the duality of energies, the male and female is universal. (See the Cosmic Plan).

The ETs from the fourth dimension and higher, have such a respect for the Profound Love of the Cosmic Consciousness (God) and his/her creation, nature. So much that the mayority of their cities are in caves where there is less of an impact on nature. 

The Fourth dimension

In the fourth dimension as the people from Venus ( look like us with blond hair, slanted eyes like orientals, long ears and white skin like a candle ), they eat only what the body needs and consists on an small quantity of an extract of vegetables and minerals. They no longer have working  the internal organs needed to go to the bathroom since their body has become efficient and there is no waste. 

They reproduce like we do, except that they get together as a couple, just to procreate which is the same principle as in the rest if the animal kindom. Their kids become the responsability of the whole comunity and they love and raise all of them as if they were their own. 

Their stores are for all to share and they can pick up whatever they need which is from a perspective of a minimalist point of view.  They work what is needed for the benefit of all, and have an advance technology where robots perform a lot of the tasks and spend a lot of time on internal development such as meditation, painting, exercising, etc. As a civilization, they are at a level where they can help others to evolve, such as helping our earth. Our history mentions of gods that helped us and promised to come back.

Since they can see each other's auras, which shows the level of evolution, the ones more spiritually advanced are in charge of large decisions. The use of energy healing is high and they can live to be 2000 or 3000 years old since they have learn to control their regeneration of cells as needed. They decide when no longer need to be on the current life by stopping this regeneration and die of natural causes. There is no lying or deceit and they use telepathy as the main method of comunication which transmits intention as well as feelings.

Their technology is at least 10000 years more advanced than ours.

Their civilization is of a 4:4, a fourth dimensional level with a fourth level of consciousness. 

The Fifth Dimension

 People on the fifth dimension have a body of a much higher vibration than in the fourth, their nutritional intake is mostly  from looking at the sun, absorbing energy from the earth, the air. Their spirituality is higher and much of their work is to help in evolution other civilizations in the fourth dimension. Mars is currently in the fifth dimension, they mostly live in caves located inside their grand canyon, similar to the USA's grand canyon. 

Mars used to be a planet full of life like ours, but the people there fought between themselves an atomic war, bringing the destruction of much of their planet. There are two types of people there now, they have people with the nordic look with blue eyes and blond hair, and also exists the descendents of the affected by the radiation generated by the blast creating mutants with small height and different looks. They both have learned from their mistakes and work and live together like one. The pyramids on Mars are similar to the ones found on earth.  

Mars civilization is a 5:5. On the fifth dimension with a fifth level of consciousness. 

The Sixth Dimension 

At this level, exist people that have reach such a high level of spirituality and technology where their main work is to help plan and follow the Cosmic Plan, including helping other civilizations on fifth, creating and or bringing life to new planets. Their bodies are almost all energy with such a high level of vibration. The engineers of life.They planted spores in our oceans to make it more alkaline and brought different plants and animals to earth. They also changed DNA on earth to make the first human, the leyend of Adam and Eve came from it, according to our ET brothers, Eve was first from androgynous beings, Adam second.

The Seventh Dimension.

At this level, the so called Christic level, there is only on being that attained such level of spirituality and dedication to others, Jesus the son of man. Jesus was is a being that did not need to reincarnate in our earth since he was already in the sixth level of consciousness but he came back for the greatest gift to humanity. He attained the sixth level of consciousness in a previous life here on earth.

His body is almost pure energy reaching the levels of the Mental Universe and he is waiting for our humanity to reach his level of consciousness. He is a  4:7. Body In the fourth dimension with a seventh dimension level of consciousness.

The Third Dimension

It's the first level where there exists an individual consciousness as supposed to the animal ( second dimension) or plants ( first level ) where exists group level of consciousness.

Our humanity was created different from others on third as described in the Cosmic Plan, for a special purpose of becoming the impulse to help the civilizations that had advanced rapidly but now stagnated, to the next higher level of evolution. 

Our civilization was supposed to have not much interference from outside but it did until now. Our final test is to see how much of us we give to others. Our personality dying each day helping others like Mother Teresa, Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, etc.

The native race from earth mixed with extra-terrestrials as mentioned in the bible: "the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. ". There were also deportations, since earth was a toughfer world, here were sent people from other civilizations like if it was a jail. Others had problems with their vehicle and crashed here, ending up becoming part of our humanity too. Our earth is also like in the middle of a very traffic highway where many extraterrestrial civilizations passing through, decided to stay here. Our humanity which is supposed to bring answers to the cosmos, is from people from here and from everywhere at the same time. There is no pure race on earth, we all have the traces of extraterrestrials and the mixes between all of us on earth. This is why our scientists will not find the missing link connecting all of the human ancestors without taking in consideration the extraterrestrials linkage.

When we reincarnate between lifes, our soul/spirit decides where on earth, which race, which parents where we reincarnate so to have the environment where our particular lessons can be learned and to pay our karma.

Our earth is in the process of transforming into a school of fourth dimension, and  our humanity is also going through the changes to become a humanity with a fourth level of consciousness. Of course there are individuals that throughout our history have already given their lives to others and have gone to other schools of higher dimensions ( planets ) and with a higher level of consciousness such as Mother Teresa,  Gandhi, some saints, the Virgen Mary, etc.

A being that reached the 6th level of consciousness but returned to our level to help our humanity once again and reincarnated as Jesus, the son of man, to do a job of elevating consciousness together with Emmanuel, an Ultra-Terrestrial, a being from the Mental Universe, the son of God in the bible.

Some of the extraterrestrials that are helping us also have had previous lives on earth when they were at at the third level of consciousness. Currently too, there are some from other planets on the third dimension that are reincarnated here to see if they too pass this test of transition to the next level.  

Our humanity is a 3:3 going to 4:4 and there are people that are on a 3:4, 3:5 or even 3:6, 3:7. People that have dedicated their lives to others, where they put people first and their well being later. Where their level of consciousness is at a higher level than the current dimension.

Our humanity's purpose is to unite the three universes, the Physical, the Mental and the Spiritual Universes from below to above and the key is to have universal love towards everything that was created and the Supreme Creator.



There are so many videos of ancient skuls and squeletons found all over the world, this one is a short summary. The Nephilim, Anunnaki, Giants Skulls of Cro Magnon from Atlantis, Rhesus Negative Blood Type, Same DNA Genetics as the Pharoahs of Egypt, the God kings of Sumerian Mythology, the Mayans, etc: 

Native American Tribes Elders reveal centuries of extraterrestrial contact: 

The Mars-Earth connection comparing pyramids on Mars and on Earth: 

The Cosmic Plan including the Cosmic Rama Mission followed by our ET brothers: