Place: Chilca Desert (Peru), 51st Anniversary of Mission

Tell Elam Antenna


Is a meeting possible for August 2025?

Will there be experiences tonight?

How will events evolve in 2025?

How can we perceive or manage or channel the light blue energy that is emanating from the planet?

Yes, we are your brother guides in Mission.

This year should find you prepared so that it can be used in meetings and intense outings, where the experiences respond to your progress and dedication.

August and September will be good times where the outings will allow for irradiations that are more than necessary to harmonize world events. These will be planetary changes that are more than necessary, but they must be guided and oriented by your minds and hearts.

Tonight the place and the moment are covered with the same energy that emanates from the planet, creating magic for various initiations, including the possibility of crossing portals.

This year 2025 world events will have unexpected turns for the better, do not doubt it, but they require your conviction and wisdom to make others see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The energy of the sky blue color that works with the fifth chakra of the creative word and the higher vibration, can and must be directed as we already told you, being used by the work groups, to decree and specify the necessary planetary changes. Put into practice everything you have learned and immediately check the results.

With love.
