

The Will is the Force of the spirit, the true force that moves the Universe.

The will of man is nothing more than the Will of the Father manifested in him, being Father or Son of the same Substance and of the same Essence.

Thus, the supreme Freedom of man is in his Total Delivery to the Will of the Father, to the realization of it in thought, word and deed. Here is the wonderful paradox that liberates man.

Nothing developed in leisure and inertia. The will is the triumph of the Spirit over matter. The will is to win in the small things, to be able to win in the big ones. The elevation of the higher nature over the lower one.

The Man who conquers himself is greater than the one who wins in a thousand battles, because there is no greater battle than that which is waged with himself.

The Will is the greatest victory in the struggle of existence; She is the force that moves all things, the Force that accompanies Man in his Path to Infinity.

The Will is the first emanation of the ALL CREATOR, the HOLY ONE OF THE DIVINE TRINITY. The Creator Father of everything that exists.


The Three Manifestations of the Creation of Man


The Creator manifests in man with the Force of the Three Great Emanations that illuminate his entire existence: WILL, LOVE and WISDOM.

In the endless journey that awaits Man in his eternal ascension, he must always be enlightened by these Rays of Will, Wisdom and Love, because he could not be completely rid of his own forces in his constant spiritual progress and needs the light that his Creator sends him always, so that he never feels alone and helpless, and knows that there is a FORCE, a BEING that loves him and accompanies him on his long Path to Infinity.



Evolution Path to Infinity