
Love is the Identification and Integration with everything that exists, dying as an individuality to be reborn in each being that surrounds us, to be then one with Creation. 

Because you all carry the same essence in your hearts and you are made of the same substance, nourished by a single sap. 

You are not souls separated from one another, but you are part of the Universal Soul, of the Great All.

You are like drops of water forming the Ocean of life, Love is the union of your own Essence with that same that animates the Universe. 

Thus, God is PURE LOVE, because He is the very Essence of the Universe.

Love is the awakening of the Cosmic Consciousness in Man, which has to unite him with the Universe and with the ALL CREATOR.

The Way of Love is to fulfill the will of the Father, and to love it above all things, in the way of Service and Surrender to others, knowing to see the Father in every being that surrounds us, plant, animal or man; worlds, suns or galaxies.

Love manifests itself in many ways, with patience and kindness towards others, with a simple gesture or a smile, with a caress of consolation or protection, with a little warmth and understanding, with service and surrender to the like, with the renunciation of one's own well-being for that of others, with the sacrifice of oneself for humanity.

You can love in a thousand ways; life can be a constant work of Love, putting a bit of Love in each day lived. A single thought of Love, a single word of Love, a single Work of Love.

For Love to last in each moment of your life, and its essence to illuminate your existence.



Love is the CHRIST manifested in Man, the Third Emanation of the ALL CREATOR. The Son of the Divine Trinity.


The Three Manifestations of the Creation of Man


The Creator manifests in man with the Force of the Three Great Emanations that illuminate his entire existence: WILL, LOVE and WISDOM.

In the endless journey that awaits Man in his eternal ascension, he must always be enlightened by these Rays of Will, Wisdom and Love, because he could not be completely rid of his own forces in his constant spiritual progress and needs the light that his Creator sends him always, so that he never feels alone and helpless, and knows that there is a FORCE, a BEING that loves him and accompanies him on his long Path to Infinity.



Evolution Path to Infinity