Jesus life
Jesus, the son of man, was born in Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine to a 14 year old virgin, Mary.
He didn't need to reincarnate then but he came back to remind us the fastest way to reach the next level and to unite earth's time with the rest of the universe.
He became a nazarene, a higher priest of the Nazarene, he grew up as an Essene, a mistical Jewish sect that started to prepare for the welcoming of Jesus 100 years before his arrival as well as his education.
As a Nazarene and an Essene, he was a celibate and allowed to have long hair without a headgear (kippah).
He became the high priest of the order of Melchizedek, the Great White Brotherhood on earth, before his death, he left it in charge to the apostle John the Evangelist, the only apostle that wasn't killed.
His cousin John the baptist baptized him, Jesus started preaching with the archangel Michael, a symbiosis between the son of man and the son of God in one body.
After 33 years, 3 months and 3 days of his life, it was time for Jesus to finish his work here, so the archangel Michael left ("my God why have you forsaken me") and Jesus was killed. That was part of the plan since the son of God couldn't be killed.
Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen and convinced his best friend Judas to be the one that would hand him over to his enemies. An example of that he knew what was going to happen was when he told the apostle Peter that he was going to negate him 3 times.
As he said previously, he can rebuild his temple (body) in 3 days, Jesus's body went through a transformation. All of his cells were resuscitated in his body and emitted a strong light similar to when a star is born. The Shroud of Turin is like a negative X-rays of his body that shows all of his torture and his features.
His body is still in the 4th dimension but with the capability of transcending all dimensions and his consciousness becomes of a 7th dimension. He is the only one on that level in our whole physical universe.
His body emits such high energy vibrations that he had to lower it so the Marys and his apostles could touch him.
Jesus, like many prophets in history, was celibate. After his death, the people responsible for his death, paid someone to emigrate, get married and have kids saying that he was Jesus. This was done to discredit Jesus's teachings and legacy.
He's coming back once we finish transitioning to the 4th level of consciousness.
Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds (Ships.) from heaven, with power and great glory. Matthew 24: 30-31