It is recommended to work daily helping the planet and our humanity, there are jobs that have been recommended by the extra-terrestrial brotherThese works of help are: so that the thread of the poles does not melt, to send healing energy to groups that exercise power over our humanity, to create a reflective shield of energy around our planet to increase the positive and reject the negative as well as serve as a protection shield against asteroids
To be better able to do the work, it is recommended to prepare yourself on all levels: spiritual, mental and physical. One of the jobs that can help us the most to do so is mental exercises.
The Harmonic Man
The work in a holographic model of Humanity which is called the Harmonic Man. This holographic creation was inserted into the Human Collective Mental, with which it will be possible to modify the current living conditions of our world. Read it here:
Refractor Shield
This is important work to increase the positive energies of humanity: spiritual, mental and physical energies.
A mental creation of a holographic shield that creates a positive shield of energy that protect us against objects from space that can hit us such as asteroids, and at the same time helping us in our transition to the next dimension. This work was given by the brothers from the Great White Brotherhood during a physical contact by 6 people from different countries. Contact realized in December, 1995 in Peru.
Mental exercises
These mental exercises were received by the brothers in Colombia more than 15 years ago, by means of telepathic communication with our older brothers (the extra-terrestrials).
Radiation to Religions
To send energies to the religions of the world. Read it here:
Creation of Crystals of Light
We can and should mentally create crystals so that they begin to produce harmony and balance. This creation will remain in the place that we put it until our mother earth and the humanity that inhabit it make the evolutionary dimensional ascent. To send energy to different places on the planet.
New United Nations
Mentally send energy to create the hologram of the new United Nations headquarters where the first government on earth will reside. This place was chosen by the extraterrestrial brothers thousands of years ago for being the best place in the future for this.
World Peace
Mentally send energy to bring peace to the world.
Greenland and the Methane Gas
Mentally send energy to lower temperatures to Greenland and transform the Methane gas of our oceans.