2014 version

Unidos en el Contacto (


We mentally create our dome of light first, protecting us where only the positive energies and entities can be. Followed by a prayer. It's recommended to do then the Mental and Psychophysical Exercises too before doing any work for better results.


We visualize that our bodies are expanding, feeling how our cells are vibrating very quickly manifesting the 333, the Christic Energy of Master Jesus and we observe how during this expansion we are emitting a lot of bright golden and white incandescent energy and at the same time we are opening a portal that unites the three universes.


We observe our Mother Earth within us in the center of this circle and we continue to expand in a unit with full awareness that each cell of our body is a conscious and individual being and at the same time part of a Whole.


We are observing the galaxies, and arrive at the Mental Universe, then we continue traveling in a unit and at this moment we arrive at the Spiritual Universe, we are with the Father asking for his support and recognizing ourselves as children of God and co-creators with Him, we are creating an ideation, an event that originates from the human race in which millions of children and adults working for world peace participate, we observe approximately 75 million people participating in this event, and at this moment manifest the presence of Melquizedec and Brother John The Evangelist who have been working and supporting the human race since the beginning.


We are asking for their support for this work and at the same time giving thanks to the Father for having created us and for allowing us to co-create with Him. We are feeling how our cells consciously absorb the essence of this creation and we are saying goodbye leaving this place, we then arrive at the Mental Universe where we leave and plasm this work that will manifest on September 21, World Peace Day and we see 10 million children working for world peace and all around them adults supporting them and making all this work an immediate reality. We continue traveling and we are arriving at the Physical Universe and we arrive to Andromeda, we are looking for the 9 Elders of Andromeda and ask for their support for this work. We continue traveling and we arrive at the Milky Way and here we ask for the support of the 24 Elders, so we continue traveling arriving to Morlen, and we connect with the 12 Elders also asking them support for this work.


We continue traveling back and right now we are orbiting around our Mother Earth, and quickly we are emanating through our cells the essence of this work and we put it into the collective mental and we are expanding creating a pyramid with Mother Earth in the center of us.


We observe how all our cells are emanating golden energy from Master Jesus (the same as the one from the White Brotherhood) and bright white glowing energy. At this moment we ask for the support of the Virgin, the Mother of Jesus, we channel her energy and we see how the base of the pyramid becomes a sky blue color that comes from the Virgin Mary and a blue geomagnetic energy of Mother Earth, we are leaving the tip of the pyramid open, channeling energy from the higher universes.


We are observing all the countries of the planet earth inside the pyramid and we create 196 pyramids one for each country, these pyramids come out of our same cells. We continue to emanate the energies that we bring from the Spiritual Universe and by embodying the essence of work in all the 196 pyramids, we observe how the energies move and reach all corners of the planet through the pyramids and the collective mental connecting all children and adults who will participate in this work on September 21, Day of Peace, thus manifesting this work in an immediate reality.


We are working with different groups and people, we visualize the Dalai Lama and we bring him to the center of this pyramid, we cover him with a lot of golden energy helping him to see this work that is already embodied in the Collective Mental, in which millions of human beings on a specific day, September 21, they gather for a worldwide work to ask for peace, we ask for their support and we create a neon green energy that enters through their third eye reaching their spheres and their hypothalamus and from there to all their cells, this neon energy carries the essence and the strength so that it connects and knows exactly the steps to follow so that this work becomes a reality in this time.


We are now visualizing the Secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon of South Korea (Now António Guterres of Portugal), we cover him with a lot of golden energy helping him to connect with the same work. We also ask him for his help and we observe how the energies cover him, and in these moments he feels and knows what he has to do.


We visualize Pope Francis and his twelve advisers, we cover them with a lot of golden and violet energy and we capture the essence of this work in all their bodies, we send protoplasmic energy according to the vibratory frequency of each of them, a living and thinking energy, in these moments the essence of this work enters through the third eye reaching the hypothalamus and from there to all their cells carrying everything necessary for this work to become true, we see how the Pope immediately connects with this work and visualizes this day when millions of people come together to work for peace one September 21 day.


We are bringing another group, the leaders of UNICEF, an organization that takes care of the rights of children, and we are working with them. We visualize them in the center of this pyramid and we cover them with a lot of golden energy and we talk to them mentally asking them for their support, we help them to connect and visualize this project, we see that through their actions they begin to feel this work and they are choosing to participate on this project to work for World Peace.


We are bringing to the center of this pyramid the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Bartholomew, we cover him with a lot of golden energy asking him for his help and we help him visualize 70 million people working for world peace.


We are bringing another group to the center of the pyramid, we visualize the Gurus that have world influence, the brothers Baba Rampur and Ravi Shankar Ratman, we send them a lot of golden energy and we also ask for their support to make this work a reality in this time . We are covering them with golden energy and bright white incandescent energy, and we see how immediately all of their cells begin to absorb the information of this project and we send neon green energy to the third eye and the hypothalamus, and we feel how they identify with this project and they receive the work in all their bodies with a lot of acceptance, and they start to comply with what they have to do and they feel much affinity with the work.


Finally we are bringing to the center of the pyramid the humanitarian groups that work with the children, groups of the Greenpeace and the Red Cross, we are visualizing all of them who by affinity are immediately connected with this work. We cover them with a lot of golden energy and bright white energy incandescent to the third eye, the hypothalamus, their spheres and all their cells helping them to connect with work and have the necessary strength to do what they have to do, we see and feel as they begin to visualize 70 million human beings working the same day for world peace.


We are observing how all the 196 pyramids are emitting golden energy and how all these groups and beings form a mental unit for this project. We see how these energies now emanated by those who participate in this project begin to manifest changes towards World Peace around the planet.


We are covering the whole Mother Earth and the human race with golden and violet energy. Our body is contracting, we are returning, and give thanks to the Father.


We say a prayer, usually the Great Invocation.


From Unidos en el Contacto: