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The Harmonic Man is the archetype of the new humanity.

The information of the harmonic man was received in experiences of the year 1999 in which the brothers (Extraterrestrial and Intraterrestrial Guides) gave us full understanding of our being, that we are infinite and unlimited beings within the finite that is our physical body. That we are multidimensional within our three-dimensional physical life and that we are the answer to a cosmic hope when we make our full potential work in the service of evolution and thus we can unite the three universes from the bottom up at will (physical, mental and spiritual).




A2: PREPARATION (Including the helices of the cells)


We mentally create our dome of light first, protecting us where only the positive energies and entities can be. Followed by a prayer. It's recommended to do then the Mental and Psychophysical Exercises too before doing any work for better results.


We are closing our eyes, we breathe slowly and deeply and with each breath we calm our mind.

We are becoming aware of all our bodies, our blue sphere turning from front to back, of a brilliant incandescent color, this is a geomagnetic energy that unites us to our planet, this energy is absorbed through the soles of our feet, we reenergize our sphere blue, expanding it and resizing it, making it grow the size of this circle, thus we unite our spheres in one, in one. We are visualizing and feeling our white sphere rotating over the blue from left to right in a clockwise direction, this is a bright white incandescent energy that comes from the cosmos and from the food we eat, it is a bioelectric energy, we make it grow by expanding it to the size of this circle.
We quickly observe that at the height of our solar plexus there is a belt of golden energy that is rotating from right to left, counter-clockwise. We spin it quickly, we put a lot of force and we make this belt grow into a sphere of golden energy, the energy of the Master Jesus expanding it until it covers the two previous spheres. This is a Christ energy that we make grow the size of this circle, once again joining our spheres in one unit.


We are observing our chakras in a pack of three, the first of a golden color, pulsating and emitting golden energy. The second chakra of a pink color emanating a lot of light. The third of a golden color at the level of the solar plexus. The fourth chakra, at the height of the Heart of a Pink color, aligned with the other chakras, we put a lot of strength and connect with this energy, the energy of love, the essence of our being. The fifth chakra of a sky blue color with a lot of bright incandescent light. The sixth chakra between the eyebrows, of a brilliant violet incandescent color. The seventh chakra, above the head of a white color also glowing incandescently.

We are channeling energy and we are observing and feeling our capacitors. We see in the upper central part of our foreheads some accumulators of energy and we feel how they emanate energies from inside our heads, these energies cross and reach the condensers that are behind our ears, we put a lot of force and we energize until they become very white and shining.

We are feeling that they are in complete harmony and we see that from them come energies that cross over into our being reaching the capacitors at shoulder height, we re-energize them, we see that they become very bright and the energies cross again inside reaching the condensers at the level of the elbows, we re-energize these condensers putting a lot of force until we feel they are in harmony, again the energies cross and reach the condensers of the hips, we re-energize them with a lot of bright white energy Incandescent and we observe that the energies cross again coming to the condensers of the dolls, we make them shine sending a lot of white energy until we see that now the energies emanate crossing and reaching the knees, we reenergize these condensers with white energy, we see that the energies descends from the knees towards the soles of the feet where you will find a re-transmitters d energetics that begin to glow and glow incandescently, we see that from the soles of the feet emanate these energies joining between the legs at the level of the coccyx and in front of the spine ascending towards the forehead where they begin to flow again continuing their cycle.

We are feeling how all our chakras and condensers are in perfect harmony, our spheres spinning at a speed beyond light. We are observing over our heads the soul and around an axis of a silvery gray color that is the ego and around it some triangles orbiting the ego. These triangles are the behavioral patterns of the universe. We are covering all this part of our being in a sphere of pink energy. We observe that above the soul, there is the quantum of light, which is our divine spark and spirit, we are covering all this in a sphere of violet energy. We are channeling energy from the higher universes and we quickly see how our right hemisphere turns a brilliant violet incandescent color channeling energy from the spiritual universe and our left hemisphere is covered with pink energy from the mental universe.

We are expanding the cerebral hemispheres surpassing the cranial cavity. We observed that in the center of the brain is the hypothalamus of a golden color, we make it grow quite large in such a way that it contains the pituitary gland and the pineal gland inside it. We put a lot of force and join the five mental spheres into one, also contained within the hypothalamus. Through the right brain we are channeling violet energy from the spiritual universe and we are sending this energy to the north pole of the trillions of cells that make up our body, we see and feel how the propellers of the north pole of all our cells begin to spin rapidly and they turn from a violet energy manifesting the spiritual universe. Through the left brain, we channel pink energy from the mental universe and send it to the south pole of all our cells. We are feeling and observing that immediately the propellers of the south pole of all our cells turn on pink energy and begin to spin very quickly manifesting the mental universe. We are feeling how our whole being is connected to the higher universes through these energies.

We feel like we all vibrate at the same frequency, we are a mental unit, we put more force to our work and we spin the propellers more quickly, we quickly observe how we now turn the helix of the center of our cells and start to emanate golden energy, the energy of our Master Jesus manifesting the physical universe, we see and feel how this energy manifests itself in its totality and in these moments all our bodies are covered with this energy, a Christ energy. We quickly feel how we are all vibrating at the same frequency and our brains are quite large. We make the soul fall, and the ego with the triangles inside our brain, immediately follows the quantum of light and spirit. At this moment we feel how the divine spark manifests in all our bodies through love, of a Christ life based on humility and the surrender of our whole being to the will of the Father, we are one with the Father assuming our role in the universe uniting the universes from bottom to top, thus re-establishing a dynamic in the universe.



The Rama Symbol

We are expanding from the point where we are, we are observing this place, we are still expanding and we see that within us is this city, this country. We continue to expand and we observe this continent, the oceans, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, at this moment we have in our center our Mother Earth at the height of our solar plexus emanating a bright blue incandescent color.

We are bringing from the collective mental in the center of us the Harmonic Man, a man standing with arms outstretched upwards, looking towards the sky and with his legs open. This man represents the sum of the sum of the evolution of the human race, a being that when recognizing itself as the Father's son accepts its role in the universe and gives all its bodies to the service of creation, this being understands that its essence is love and that he is the prolongation of God to know himself, he accepts that through a Christ life based on love and humility he unites the universes from the bottom up, thus manifesting the three universes within his being.


Quickly we are observing its unified field of force, we channel the blue energy of our planet through the soles of the feet and sending it to its blue sphere that turns from front to back, we re-energize it, we see that it is shining blue bright incandescent We channel the white energy of the Cosmos through our bodies and joining this energy with the energy of the food we eat, we send a bioelectric energy to the white sphere that is rotating from left to right over the blue. We quickly see that a sphere of golden energy is formed that rotates over the previous ones and counterclockwise, this is a Christic energy manifesting through love, humility and a Christ life.

We are observing its 12 capacitors in perfect harmony shining in an incandescent white energy, we observe two capacitors behind the ears, glowing incandescently, we see that the energies emanate from them, they cross inside their body reaching the accumulators of men, the We re-energize by sending them a lot of white energy, again the energies cross over, reaching the accumulators of the elbows, we send a lot of bright white energy. From the elbows the energies cross inside reaching the condensers of the hips, we re-energize them, we observe that the energies cross inside reaching the
condensers of the wrists, again we send a lot of white energy and we see that from the elbows the energy crosses once more reaching the knees, we re-energize these points and from here the energies descend reaching the soles of the feet where find some retransmitters of energy, we observe how all these points turn on shining in an incandescent white energy. All these energies emanate from the soles of the feet uniting in ascending form in a single one between the legs at the height of the coccyx and in front of the spine traveling along this axis until reaching the upper central part of the forehead where they are absorbed by some accumulators of energy to begin again to flow through the condensers.

We are observing its 21 chakras vibrating in perfect harmony, the first (in a pack of three) shining in a golden energy where the chakra in front emanates a spiral energy, the one in the center emanates a pulsating energy, and the one in the back radiating the energy towards behind. We are leaving a lot of golden energy in this chakra. We are channeling pink energy through all our cells and sending it to the second chakra making it shine incandescently in this energy, the energy of love, this chakra also in a pack of three, the forward chakra emanating spiral energy, the center one, an energy pulsating and the one from behind radiating the pink energy backwards, we are feeling how this chakra is in perfect harmony and balance. We reached the third chakra also in a pack of three at the level of the solar plexus and we put a lot of golden energy leaving it in total harmony.

We observe the fourth chakra manifesting a very bright pink energy, aligned with the other chakras in perfect harmony. We are seeing that the fifth chakra is of a sky blue color, also in a pack of three, shining and vibrating harmonically, we reenergize it and connect with it, this is the verb chakra. We are ascending and we find in the eyebrow the sixth chakra, of a bright violet incandescent color, we put a lot of violet energy, and we are feeling the essence of that energy that connects us with the spiritual universe. We quickly see that above his head is the seventh chakra / the flower of the thousand petals of an incandescent white color, completely open to the universes.

We are observing that above the Harmonic Man is the soul, the ego manifested in a clear grayish ring around the soul and the triangles revolving around the ego. These triangles are the behavioral patterns of the universe. We are observing, above the soul, the quantum of light and the spirit. We quickly visualize the brain and see that the right hemisphere is a violet color connected to the spiritual universe and that the left hemisphere is a bright pink color connected to the mental universe. We observe that in the center of the brain the hypothalamus is quite large emanating a golden energy and that within it are the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. We are visualizing the five mental spheres united in one, also inside the hypothalamus and we are seeing that the trillions of cells of your body are aligned with the higher universes.

We put a lot of force into this work, we send a lot of violet, pink and golden energy making your brain grow through the cranial cavity and we quickly see that within your brain falls the soul, the ego and the triangles. It is followed by the quantum of light and spirit. We see how this being is manifesting his divine spark in all his bodies with full awareness of his commitment to be co-creator with the Father. * WE ARE CREATING SIX GOLDEN SPHERES that we will place two behind the heels, a third sphere behind the spine, the fourth and fifth behind the shoulders and the sixth behind the head at the base of the neck.

We are channeling golden energy and taking it out through all our floodgates and all our cells. We see behind the left heel the first sphere of a golden color, we send a lot of golden energy making it shine incandescently. This sphere brings with it the representation of the feminine energy of the planet through the Virgin and Mother Earth. Behind the right heel we see a second sphere, also of golden color, we retrocargamos and we connect with that essence, we feel that this sphere represents the Unity of all the beings that in these times are working for the Cosmic Plan. We go back from the spine between the heart chakra and the solar plexus and we observe a third sphere, also golden, we send a lot of energy making it shine. This sphere connects us with the Christ consciousness of the human race. We are observing a fourth sphere behind the left shoulder and we send a lot of golden energy, we connect with it and we feel that this sphere represents the sum of the sum of all the humanities of our Mother Earth reaching a fifth humanity through the evolution. We continue creating and reorganizing these spheres and now we reach the fifth sphere that is behind the right shoulder, we connect with it and what it means.

We are feeling that she represents the process that passes man to unite the universes from below upwards. We are observing the sixth sphere at the base of the neck and send a lot of golden energy. We are feeling that this sphere brings with it the essence of the great awakening of humanity representing the mental universe.

We continue channeling energy from the higher universes and we are wrapping this creation of the Harmonic Man with its six golden spheres in a sphere of pink energy, we make it orbit the planet and we shape it in the collective mental. We are observing that the energies and the essence of their being begin to reach 6.5 billion human beings helping them to understand their role in the Cosmic plan, that through love and a Christic life we can unite the universes. Helping them to wake up to understand that we can evolve for love.

We are still expanding and we are locating on a specific place, the headquarters of the new United Nations. We are collapsing time and space and we are going to travel to the future, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2023 ...... We are there on August 30/, 2023.

Let's connect with this time and with this place and we feel a lot of joy in our hearts and we see that we have in front of us a much anticipated event for millions and millions of years. We are witnessing the inauguration of the new United Nations.

We listen to a speech that reaches 6.5 billion human beings, we are observing around the planet as this message reaches the entire human race with great acceptance and understanding of this event. We see that some brothers need help to absorb this information and we send them a lot of pink and violet energy. We are realizing that below the building of the new United Nations stands the Harmonic Man as a foundation with the six golden spheres manifested in their entirety glowing incandescently. We are taking out this Harmonic Man and putting him in the center of us.

We are observing the three spheres in the lower part of his body, the two behind the heels and the third sphere located between the solar plexus and the heart chakra. We are using violet energy and creating a triangle joining these three spheres that as a base has the two back spheres of the heels and as point has the sphere between the solar plexus and the heart chakra. We are now observing the three spheres in the upper part of your body, and we create a second triangle that has the sphere at the base of the neck as a point and as the base has the two spheres behind the shoulders, we join these spheres with violet energy forming a second triangle. We are quickly creating a six-pointed star. We bring the tip of the triangle from top to bottom, overlapping it in the triangle below, creating a six-pointed violet star. As above, so below! thus creating the new pillars of the human race based on a deep mysticism and an awakening of consciousness through love and a Christic life. We are observing the Harmonic Man with the Six-pointed Star in the chest in the center of us, we make it orbit the planet and we shape it in the collective mental.

We quickly observe how by affinity it seeks and finds the 144,000 beings ..., it is embodied in each and every one of them exchanging energies, the 144,000 of this time are fully awake and aware of their role, they have accepted their commitment in their totality and delivered all their bodies. We observe how the Six-Pointed Star exchanges energy with them and how this Harmonic Man continues to shape the rest of the human race.

We see how the 6.5 billion beings of this time receive the same information and help through these energies. Again we are located on the specific place, we take the Harmonic Man with the Six-pointed Star and we are collapsing time and space returning with the 2010 ... We are in 2010 and we make orbit the Harmonic Man with the Six-pointed Star around our planet, we plasma it and immediately we observe how, when diluted and shaped, it finds the 144,000 retrocharging them with the energies brought from 2023 making them reach their whole being, mental superior, mental inferior, cells and all their bodies the essence of the six-pointed star which contains the new pillars of the human race, helping them immediately to understand their true role on the planet, helping them to leave all kinds of doubt or concern and define themselves by 6.5 billion human beings.

We are feeling its definition and we see with great joy how the aura of each and every one of them turns violet, pink and golden. We continue to observe around the planet and see how these energies continue to expand reaching the rest of humanity, retrocharging them also leaving in the essence of each being all the information brought and manifested through the violet, pink and golden energy. With great joy in our being we observe how we are joining two realities in one manifesting and what we have brought in this present time thus creating the trigger for the great awakening. We are co-creators with God and we can shape realities for love and create new pillars already, in these times.

We continue orbiting our planet, and we observe how the six golden spheres are released from the Harmonic Man after having been shaped and begin to orbit around the planet and stay here being fed with violet energy by the Great White Brotherhood. They will be absorbed by the human race and our Mother Earth to the extent necessary for the great awakening of consciousness and the fulfillment of the Cosmic plan.


** (CREATING THE HARMONIC MAN AGAIN) We continue orbiting our planet, we are in the present time that we know as the Today and we take the Harmonic Man from the collective mental, we are observing his six golden spheres. We continue to channel energy from the higher universes and through our cells and our floodgates we re-energize and recreate these spheres, the first two behind the heels, the third behind the spine and located between the heart chakra and the solar plexus. The fourth and fifth behind the shoulders and the sixth behind the head and at the base of the neck. We connect with the essence of each of the six spheres, the feminine energy, the unity of all beings that work for the Cosmic Plan, the Christ consciousness, the fifth humanity, the process of the human race to unite the universes of bottom up and the great awakening of consciousness of the entire human race connecting it with the mental universe.

We are observing the Harmonic Man and we cover him in a sphere of pink energy, again we are located in a specific place and we are taking it to 2023 collapsing time and space. We are on the opening day of the new United Nations. We are plasmándolo in 2023 and we are observing how its essence with all its spheres are reflected in 6.5 billion human beings, thus uniting two realities once in one.
We are once again collapsing time and space returning to our reality, we are in 2018, 2015, 2013, 2010 ..... We are contracting, we are observing the American continent, we are still contracting, we are observing this country, this city, we are still contracted and we are back with all our bodies in this place. We are giving grace to God for allowing us to participate in this work, for having known us in these times of change and definition.

We are giving grace to our Master Jesus for his life and his teachings, for his love and faith in us remembering that he told us that we would do what He did and more! to our Elder Brothers and our Guides who have always accompanied us, thanks for all their love and patience in our journey, to our Mother Earth because we have taken our bodies from her.

To close this chain, we are praying The Great Invocation

From Unidos en el Contacto: uncontacto.org