Edition 2 Vol 1 January-February 1999


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We restart the publication of this newsletter with much love and joy to be able to reach you again. May the deep love of cosmic consciousness keep us united in love and strengthen us to continue in the task of awakening consciousness at these moments of crucial definition that are being lived on our planet.


In the month of December the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and for this reason in our hearts we carry out acts of love towards our neighbor, creating a harmonic frequency throughout the planet that allows us to access the pain of others and seek solutions by identifying ourselves with Christic love. This should not only be at Christmas but every day of the year in order to increase the great positive mental community of the planet through love.


Dear brothers, as we know, MasterJesus  gave his message so that all levels of consciousness could grow with him, in his time and all the times to come, so he left us a message for this twentieth century in which humanity would have a science able to find this message left by the son of man, Jesus of Nazareth.


We know that Christ, before reaching his glorious resurrection, must have gone through countless tests and if we review the history of his life, it would not be difficult for us to discover that only through love and service (as an expression of this love) could he face hardships Calvary and achieve the goal of immortality.


The Christ came to teach us the easiest path for evolution. Being this teaching that each one of us can die to himself every day to his own egoism, his personality and character and resurrect the real being that we all have within us, that is, our internal teacher and with it we reach a state of higher and higher consciousness with which we can live, consequently with it, a Christ life at the service of others.


In this time when it is debated whether Christ died on the cross or did not die on the cross, whether he was resurrected or not resurrected, whether he went to die in Kashmir or not, whether he is going to return in a spaceship or in the clouds of the sky; Now that christification, that is to say crucifixion, really seems something ethereal, something far from our reality, something rather from a fourth dimension, hardly accessible to us.


We will share with all of you a study of the Shroud of Turin. The message of the Christ for this time through our science.


The Shroud of Turin is the only one of all the objects venerated as relics of the passion of Christ, which has raised questions for science and especially the only one of its kind to which scientific research has restored a historical identity, an identity that at the same time it is an undeniable title of authenticity.


In the historical information of the Shroud of Turin there are three successive periods in the course of these 20 centuries:


I. Completely legendary era in which the Shroud is supposed to have already existed and was transferred from one place to another.


II. A period of transition in which the Shroud is spoken of but in a way that frequently turns it into several more and often into simple works of human hand.


III. Period in which the Shroud has a precise history and in which the traces of its transfer can be followed.


These aspects certainly do not undeniably link the Shroud to the physical person of Jesus, as it only proves the ordeal of an unknown person, crucified approximately 2000 years ago in Palestine. However, the marks that this crucifixion left on the body of the executed correspond exactly to the wounds that Jesus' body presented according to the Gospels, this being a very significant fact.


Two millennia of the life of a fabric

Analysis based on the most rigorous working methods of modern science, currently confirm the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. It is absolutely correct to see in it an object of some twenty centuries old whose weaving presents all the characteristics of fabrics of that type produced at that time in the Near East.


Beginning of the mantle story

Let us suppose that it is the Sepulchral Shroud of Christ, which wrapped the body of Jesus when he was taken down from the cross, in accordance with Hebrew customs.


Mark in his Gospel (XVI, 1 and 56) writes: And when a day had passed on Saturday, María Magdalena, María mother of Santiago and Salomé, bought scent to go to embalm Jesus; And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right hand, dressed in white, and they were frightened; but he said to them: fear not! I already know that you are looking for Jesus Nazarene, crucified; Well, he was resurrected; not here; see the place where they put it . Mark makes us see that the reason for the women's visit was to embalm Jesus, with this detail it indicates that a provisional burial had been practiced, carried out hastily on Friday night, this would explain why the body was deposited in the shroud without it being tied and then secured with external bandages.


We were at dawn on the third day, Sunday, when the pious women Magdalena, Salomé, María mother of Santiago, found the stone that closed the tomb turned upside down and emptied inside, listening to their voices, Pedro Simon followed the young John to see what happens, seeing what John writes in his gospel, that the body was no longer there and that the Shroud lay on the ground while the band of cloth used to wrap the man's head already deposited in his Shroud holding his jaw and She held her hair at the nape of her neck, it was there, folded, but somewhere else.


The body had disappeared. the members of the Senadrín brought their colleague Joseph de Arimatea before them ; There Annas and Caiaphas, the main moral authors of the sufferings of Christ asked Joseph to be held accountable, questioning him about what he had done with the body of Jesus, opting for the truth, Joseph denied having touched it, denying having participated in an eventual removal of the body of Jesus. At the tomb, José de Arimatea maintained that The Shroud remained where he had deposited the body .


It is said in a legend that Gamaliel, his son and Nicodemus remained in the Senadrin just to be able to help the first Christians, who met in secret, would have collected the Shroud and put it in a safe hiding place owned by Gamaliel. Maria Magdalena and later Simón Christian bishop of Jerusalem knew this hiding place. All this according to the tradition collected by the ancient Christian authors Focio and Clemente also these data were provided by a writer and Christian traveler of the 2nd century, Hegesipo.


Until the fourth century of our era, there is no information about the Shroud, which seems definitely lost, which is explained by the true vicissitudes of history. It was a time when the Near East suffered serious disturbances and was not apt to openly preserve data on an object such as the Shroud of Christ.


Already at the beginning of the 4th century, the existence of the Shroud is once again available. Pope Sylvester I (314-335), ordered that in his memory, the Holy Eucharist should not be officiated on painted or woven silk fabrics (just as the Shroud was not), on the contrary the Pope literally recommended that white linens be used in memory of the Shroud in which the body of the redeemer had been wrapped.


After another period of silence around the year 650, Saint Braulio, Bishop of Zaragoza in Ibéria, specified in a message addressed to a certain Taios priest: We know that many things that happened in ancient times are not narrated by the scriptures, so it happened with the canvas and the shroud in which the Lord's body was wrapped is said to have been found, but it is not specified whether they were well preserved; Anyway, I can't think that they have been forgotten, I think rather that they put it in a safe place .


In the 10th century the shroud is found in Constantinople, where it is venerated. This allowed Emperor Emmanuel of Byzantium to present it solemnly in 1171 to Amuary, King of Jerusalem, passing through Byzantium. Back then the Shroud was exposed every Friday to the people; the exhibition was made, according to the chronicles that mention them, in an upright position.


Robert de Clary, chronicler and author of a well-known history of the fourth crusade, relates that in 1201 the Shroud was in Constantinople, where it was the most precious jewel of the Byzantine emperors, kept in the Blacherne palace, which was actually from the church consecrated to Santa María de Blacherne, on whose altar the Holy Shroud was preserved.


The Shroud again disappears in the sack of Constantinople by the warriors of the IV crusade. Robert de Clary is the first to allude to it, when when speaking of the Shroud he says: people came there to contemplate the face of the Lord, but no one, neither Greeks nor Frank, knows now what happened to the Shroud when the looting of the city .


The looting of Byzantium by its own allies, the massacre and the dispossession of Christians by Christians was an incredible historical event committed by Western mercenary knights in 1204, so it was in the atmosphere of looting and horror of those days of looting, the Holy Shroud disappears without a trace.


In 1353, fifteen decades later, he appeared in Lirey, in the diocese of Troyes, in France. Its owners at that time, the Earls of Charny, kept it until 1452.


An enormous amount of stories existed to somehow justify the unexpected appearance of the true Shroud in the West, that same Shroud that until April 12, 1204 was exhibited before multitudes of believers in Constantinople.


In Lirey the Shroud displays were all the rage, drawing crowds. This was contributed by the fact that Godofredo de Charny had a chapel erected in his honor, making Lirey the first historically (exact) stage of the modern life of the Shroud of Turin.


A new change of direction takes the Shroud of Lirey to Chambéry, in 1418 the Duke of Burgundy is at war with the King of France, the Charny fearing for the Shroud they agreed that one of their relatives, the Count of Laroche, was in charge of protect it.


In 1438, the widow Margarita de Charny became its owner. Tired of fighting against the enemies of the Shroud, Margarita understood that she had to entrust the relic to a more powerful protector and she gave it to the Duke of Savoy, thus, in 1453 the Shroud passed into the possession of the Savoyard family, remaining more than one hundred years at Chambéry.


On December 3, 1532, a violent fire almost destroyed the Shroud and left indelible marks on it. Due to the intense heat, a drop of molten silver from the urn that contained it fell at one of its angles, causing irreparable damage, but the image it bears was not damaged.


In the month of September 1578 the cloak was transferred to Turin and deposited in the chapel of San Lorenzo, the last stage of the cloak's modern history would have begun. At the end of the 17th century (1668-1694), a splendid roundabout, called the Chapel of the Holy Shroud of the Cathedral of San Giovanni in Turin, began to be built in the apse of the Cathedral of Turin.


The first encounter with science 


In the spring of 1898, photographer Secondo Pia obtained shots of the cloak, in circumstances as momentous for the history of the Shroud as for photography. The photographer saw in his plates the face of the man in the shroud, with the plates in his hands he realized something sensational: that the image of the Shroud was an optical negative that was transformed on the negative plate into a positive optical portrait, this disturbed scientists, of course, who began to search for a natural phenomenon that could have determined the formation of that optically negative image


That aspect of the negative of the image of the shroud) could not be explained, accidentally or in a fortuitous way, by the (intentional) work of any artist? Or, as a third risky hypothesis in search of a plausible explanation,) it would not be an artificial image that, due to the action of time, would have turned negative.




The Shroud of Turin has the shape of a rectangular linen cloth 4.36 meters long by 1.10 meters wide, it is currently kept rolled around a cylindrical wooden support and deposited inside a box urn in a parallelepiped shape 1.5 meters long by 0.38 meters wide, of chiselled silver.


The fabric is a coarse fabric, possibly spun by artisan weavers. The shroud in question comprises for warp threads 40 threads per centimeter and for the weft 27 inserts per centimeter.


The total weight of the shroud is 1,123 grams.


When studying the nature of the fabric, it was found that three weft threads underneath and one above were used for its execution; a typical kind of job called herringbone .


Some scientists who studied the textile nature of the Turin shroud, such as Professor Timoss of the Technical Technical Institute of that city, limited themselves to making chronological observations regarding the age of the fabric, the way it was woven or the textile character of the threads used.


Palynological test


In 1973 Professor Max Frei, Swiss criminologist, botanist, palynologist, director of the Scientific Office of the Zurich Police, an INTERPOL expert; collecting samples of very fine dust particles whose almost invisible traces could still be found in the shroud, making a Palinological study of the tiny particles and observed through the electron microscope, Frei managed to identify pollen grains. Those pollen grains belonged to plants that do not live in Western Europe. So when determining the geographical area, the result was that the pollen belonged to ancient plants, own - approximately two millennia ago - of the Palestinian region and also to plants typical of the Constantinople region, of France, of Belgium, the Savoyard Region, and from Italy. Professor Max Frei gave as a result of his study the presence of pollen grains belonging to six species of Palestinian plants, one plant species from Turkey and about eight Mediterranean species. This authorizes us to formulate the following definitive conclusion: The Shroud cannot be a forgery. This affirmation of the Swiss sage, does nothing more than confirm the conclusions of the Belgian G. Raes, director of the textile laboratory of the university of Ghent, according to him no detail of the fabric allows to maintain that it does not belong to the time of Christ and adds to the Conclusions formulated by the North American researchers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of Pasadena (NASA) working with the black and white photos taken by Enri and with those of color and ultraviolet light taken by Dr. Ronald Lynn. He submitted these documents to a complete electronic analysis, obtaining unmatched images of the shroud marks. Also an electronic analysis of the warp threads and the weft of the weave confirmed its ancient Palestinian character. A purely visual examination of the Shroud of Turin verifies the existence of two categories of impressions or color spots. On the one hand, the marks of the man in the shroud and, on the other, the spots and traces alien to that human figure.


The stains unrelated to the human figure that the shroud presents are obviously accidental, due to the ravages of time and the historical circumstances through which the shroud fulfilled its own destiny, that of being the only authentic witness to the ordeal and suffering suffered by the man who wrapped it in its folds.


Fire signals, watermarks


The fire of December 3, 1532 in the Chambéry chapel, was about to irreparably affect the integrity of the shroud. In those times it was not preserved as it is now, but folded several times over itself and placed inside a silver chest. The fire attacked the chest, melting one of its faces. Under these circumstances a drop of incandescent silver burned an angle of the shroud (folded). The immediate result was multiple destruction, four pairs of large burns, the four small symmetrical holes located in the middle of the cloth, and the two long lines of charred fabric perfectly visible along the double mark.


It should be noted that the fire of 1532 was not the first to leave traces on the fabric of the shroud. There was another one that produced some holes in the cloth before 1532.


But there was not only fire, water, the traditional antidote abundantly spilled to dominate the fire, signaled its presence causing other damage to the shroud.


Shroud Human Map


Front and back, head to head the position of the double front and back image of the man in the shroud is explained by the way the Hebrews wrapped their dead at the beginning of our era. We will focus on the images themselves and not on how they were produced, which will be discussed later.

  •  The historians and specialists who studied the case knew that the funeral arrangements were carried out in 3 stages and most of the time in the burial chamber.
  • First, the shroud stretched out its entire length on the floor of the grave.
    The corpse was placed on the stretched cloth, in one of its halves the body lying on its back, then the other half was overturned over the body, in order to cover it from head to toe, slightly folding the edges above or below of the body. Many specialists have dealt with the way in which the body of the Man in the shroud was placed in his shroud, the provisional nature of the procedure (the burial of Jesus was carried out hastily) would speak against the use of bandages, some specialists consider that it was also the case of the Man in the Shroud, however the way his face and in general his head was printed on the image of the front and back would indicate the existence of at least a fairly long band and that, would also serve not only to adjust the shroud on the face and hair but also to firmly hold the jaw, put back in place (the corpse had its mouth closed and the hair gathered around the head).


The Shroud, sample of the ordeal


As superficial as it may be, an examination of the human impressions of the Turin shroud reveals traces of serious injuries, open sores and also of blows systematically delivered with certain instruments that left typical marks on the surface of the affected body. lashes, visible on both sides of the body, although lighter on the back; signs of deep abrasions on the skin of the forehead and on the scalp, a penetrating wound on the left wrist, another with open lips, but after her death, in the right region of the chest. Another deep wound in the anterior plantar region of the right foot, as well as certain traces of blood in the dorsal area of ​​the waist, forehead and other regions of the body, all these marks together constitute an obvious sign of a crucifixion.


A large footprint in a wide bruised and bruised region on his right shoulder, which must have been the prolonged transport of a heavy and very rough surface object, all this allows for the reconstitution of horrible detail.


The Man in the shroud, the crucified man who was wrapped in his folds, must have carried his cross himself to the place of torture.


Marks, impressions, traces and traces that relate more than you could imagine, the way a man, from approximately two millennia ago received and lived his death in a very great suffering of pain, having a coincidence with the acts of physical violence and the torture imposed on Jesus during his passion, as related by the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, presumed eyewitnesses to the passion of Jesus.


The shroud tells of the stages of the bloody passage from life to the death of the man who wrapped in its folds, as well as the texts (gospels), relate the passion of Christ, realize that he endured the same suffering.


If the man in the shroud were not Christ, who could it be? If it is not Jesus, there is no other historical coincidence that could assign it any identity. The man remains a crucified man from about two thousand years ago, who was inflicted the same penalty, the same insults and violence, the same supreme torture that according to the Gospels Jesus suffered.


A number of specialists in the field of medicine conducted studies of the wounds of the Shroud Man, revealed by reading the cloth that wrapped him, among them are David Willis, Robert Bucklin, Anthony Sava, Judica-Cordiglia.


To give an example we will quote the 7 superficial injuries found on the face by Dr. Willis, which allows us to understand the bodily violence inflicted on the Shroud Man, before his crucifixion.


Swelling of the two superciliary arches, a cut in the right eyelid, considerable bruising under the right eye, appreciable swelling of the nose, a triangular wound on the right cheek, swelling on the left cheek, swelling on the left side of the chin.
The image of the face of the Man in the Shroud shows, among other marks, a clear deviation of the bone of the nose to the left, all specialists in human anatomy who studied the impression of this face, agree perfectly with this observation. The right zygomatic region of that face in an equally visible way and almost in line with the deformation of the nose, the trace of a strong triangular contusion of the injured area begins precisely at the separation of the nasal bone and its cartilage, where the nose shows an obvious deviation to the left, probably the result of a violent blow struck hard with a blunt object.

Any medical doctor who is asked about the interpretation that can be given to this injury, confirms what all those who studied the cloak observed. The undeniable consequence of a strong stick.


The blow of a rather short and round cane, of a probable diameter of about four or five centimeters, a cane whose end would have violently struck the nose and zygomatic region of the Shroud Man. The mark even makes it possible to specify that whoever hit him with such force was left-handed and was to the right of his victim.


A terrible blow that would be wrong to classify in the category of a simple slap, as John, the only evangelist who speaks of it (XVIII-22), refers to the interrogation to which Annas subjected Jesus during the night that he proceeded to his ordeal. John related that at the precise moment of one of Jesus' responses ... He slapped one of the soldiers present saying, Do you respond to the high priest?


Roman flagellation


The legal medical approach to the study of the Shroud of Turin reveals the presence of a number of excoriations that left their indelible marks on the body of the Man wrapped in that canvas.


The chest and especially the dorsal part of the body, from the shoulders to the calves, are covered with wounds that made the skin of the crucified man raw, imprinting bloody traces on the fabric of the shroud.


Most of the scientists who studied the appearance of these footprints, see in them the indisputable result of a rain of blows applied to the victim, curved on a post or pillar, to which the condemned man would have been held with his wrists tied.


The shroud needs even the details of that punishment, as well as the visible orientation of the wounds it shows. It proves the joint action of two executioners each armed with their own flogging instrument, from which it has been possible to reconstruct their aspects (form). A leather strap with metallic lead spheres and another with ossicles (lamb astragalus) at their ends. Through the shroud one can discover with astonishing clarity the exact nature of the flagellation method applied. The torture was inflicted by two executors, one of them kept to the right of the condemned man and being probably left-handed, he threw backwards, blows whose direction seems to be oblique on the back and descending on the legs. The blows observed in the dorsal region also demonstrate the existence of another flagellor, placed to the left of the victim who in turn traced wounds whose meaning intersects with that of those inflicted by the executor on the right.


The Shroud Man was not subjected to the flogging practiced according to the Hebrew custom, but was punished more Romanorum, that is to say, Roman . Which represented in fact a much more serious penalty. The Hebrew flogging consisted of 39 lashes, the Roman lash did not have a pre-established limit on the number of lashes. The application of team executors acting together gave a certain rhythm to the execution, whipping alternately on the chest and the dorsal part of the body of the condemned man, from the men to the calves. Such an ordeal causes pain of incalculable physical intensity, mainly due to the accumulation of blows from the lead spheres and the ossicles, the former caused bruises and swelling, the latter lacerated the victim's flesh. In short, a man punished to the threshold of death.


What do the scriptures tell about Jesus?


As seen, four different versions, which aim to narrate what has been seen. We see that the penalty received by Jesus is described in three different ways: Matthew says that Jesus was flogged; Marcos claims that he was beaten severely, Juan for his part speaks of flogging.


So thinking about what the evangelists affirmed regarding Jesus, it remains to establish if he was whipped, beaten or flogged. As for the Shroud Man, as indicated by the marks evidenced by the cloth, he was severely scourged Roman style . This is a clear and precise thing that does not admit discussions or controversies.


According to the evangelists, Jesus was allegedly beaten, flogged, or flogged at around 10 am, about five hours before the crucifixion.


The Shroud of Turin indisputably requires the existence of a chronological discontinuity. It separates both punishment and crucifixion.


The Shroud reveals the Cross


Everyone knows the image spread by Christian iconography that represents Jesus, following the path to Calvary curved under the weight of a Latin cross formed by two crossbars crossed at right angles.


If we see Christ in the Man in the Shroud we must recognize that the cross was not in the Latin form. As it is known, those condemned to the crucifixion never carried a complete cross, in fact they were obliged to drag themselves with the weight of the cross arm of the cross to the gallows, and this because the vertical arm, already planted on the ground, waited for is armed on the horizontal crossbar, to which the victim is already nailed. Therefore, what Jesus must have carried was not the entire cross but the lesser arm, an arm whose dimensions varied according to the size of the crucified.


In the case of Jesus, in the absence of information, this measure is not known.


On the other hand, if there is a measurement for the man in the shroud, which is close to 1.80 meters (agrees with all scholars of the mantle), the length of the scaffold wood must have been greater than that of the open arms of the victim and this would be 1.65 meters, with this data and taking into account the type of wood commonly used in the crucifixions in Palestine of those times, the weight of this arm (patibulum) would be at least 65 Kgs, a very considerable weight for a healthy and strong man but the Shroud Man had suffered a terrible flogging previously.


The Shroud of Turin has some rather particular traces, which do not resemble negatives but rather images obtained by direct printing on it, the frontal, temporo-parietal and occipital regions are of interest. Bloody wounds to the scalp and neighboring areas seem to correspond, wounds caused by the action of small, fine and pointed objects arranged in such a way that they constitute a true torture helmet. Made to hurt and puncture with points pointed at the skin and scalp looking as if a crown of thorns had been placed on the victim's head.


All the crucifixes and especially all the paintings and sculptures that represent Jesus on the cross, show him subject by means of nails that pierce his hands and feet. The footprints of the shroud clearly show the precise details of the way the crucifixion was carried out. The nails that fixed it to the horizontal arm of the cross, pierced his hand in the exact place that corresponds to its union with the forearm (wrist).


This was how those condemned to that terrible torture were crucified, in fact a body crucified by the center of the hands could never have been supported on the cross, in the examination of the marks of the shroud it does not allow us to see fingerprints of the thumb as if this he would have found himself wrapped up inside the hand. Why? Simply, when the nail passes through the soft space and the first flaccid tissues of the wrist, the thumb projects vividly inward, as opposed to the other fingers, because the nail reaches the median nerve; the suffering caused by this brutal aggression generates pains whose intensities are impossible to imagine since the median nerve is the sensory and motor nerve.


The excruciating torture of the right hand

The fixation of the hands by the wrists from the internal to the external face was simple and habitual in every experienced executioner and this was the case with the left hand but not with the right. The nail did not penetrate with the first hammer and appears to have entered and exited several times before attaching itself to the log.


The cause of death on the cross

The shroud has traces that reveal a wound mark on the right side of the chest, this corresponds to a wound inflicted on the body by the blow of a sharp and cutting instrument that could be a spear, in this all the scientists who studied this are in agreement. aspect of the mantle (doctors Barbet, Judica-Cordiglia).


Some specialists consider that the death of the crucifix of the shroud was caused by suffocation, this has its explanation in the physical and physiological aspects of the crucifixion itself. The death is produced by the consequences of the forced position of the body, the resulting physical exhaustion creates the conditions for suffocation.


As the suspension of the body is assured by the nails of the wrists, the muscles of the chest would be in a state of extreme tension, stretched to the maximum, keeping the body in a position of forced inspiration, which would prevent the expulsion of the tainted air from the lungs To do so, he would have to lean (stiffening) on ​​his only point of lower support, the nail that would fix the feet to the cross. The shroud testifies to a death that the spearman only confirmed.


The church reserve

With the Shroud it happened that in the beginning of his life (as a relic) he was necessarily authentic and true for the FAITH and doubtful or simply false for the reason, however precarious it was in those times.


Towards the middle of the 14th century the shroud was in Lirey where it was exhibited by the lords of Lirey (Godofredo de Charny). The task of presenting the holy object to the crowds was helped by six ecclesiastics sent for these purposes to the church of Lirey, the historical circumstances were very favorable to the celebrity (fame) acquired by the shroud, due to the renewed increase in faith that characterized that time.


Indeed, Europe was emerging from the terrible black plague, which reduced the continent's population to a quarter in just four years (1347-1357), during these years the display of the shroud was suspended. The resumption of the exhibition determined a great popular interest in the shroud. Extraordinary crowds flocked full of confidence and laden with offerings. Interest and money flowed into the Church of Our Lady of Lirey, being honored more than any other in the kingdom of France.


In the fourteenth century as in our days, no religious exposition could have been done without the authorization of the church, which must have involved its highest authorities.


This could not please everyone; The Bishop of Troyes Pedro D = Arcis was not very pleased that a modest village church surpassed its beautiful and great cathedral in glory and income. Thus the bishop, jealous of his close neighbors in Lirey, requested in writing the Pope's intervention to end what he considered an inadmissible scandal. As the true non-Christian reasons for this request could not be exposed, Pedro D = Arcis masked his intentions after an explanation of a theological and historical order .


Godofredo de Charny obtained that Pope Clemente arranged in writing to authorize the display of the shroud on the express condition that he (Charny) publicly announced that it was a representation, that is, that the engraving represented something and not, that the engraving was something. So this decision is part of the shroud's so controversial story, challenging within the church itself, based on the claim that the shroud was a painting, a claim thrown by someone who didn't even bother to see the shroud, based exclusively on the information provided by one of his predecessors who in turn based his truth on the lack of precision of the Gospels regarding the shroud and not on an examination of it.


A single detail of the image of the shroud observed and pointed out for the first time by Doctor Barbet, is sufficient to refute any fourteenth-century theory of forgery; it is that the nail of the crucifixion entered the space of Destot and that when going through the first layers of this area, the thumb is deformed, it changes position, it twists inwards, positioned in the opposite direction to the other 4 fingers of the hand they remain slightly curved. The thumbs are not represented in either hand in the shroud image. What forger with the fourteenth-century level of anatomical information could have provided this reaction?



Modern science with all its resources experimented to solve the shroud mystery from medicine, physiology, chemistry, physics, electronics, nuclear physics, to mathematics.


Mathematics gives us the calculation of probabilities and in the shroud there is a curious effect of chance which strangely highlights some peculiarities of the shroud. Most scientists leave aside the role that chance has, so good to deny or debunk a certain questioning of the truth, being in favor of what is out of the ordinary, the possibilities of the unknown of the shroud, be Jesus the God. I become a man of the gospels . (Le visage de Jesús-Christ et son linceul, written by the Jesuit Paul Gail, engineer specialized in industrial technology). He showed that the probability that the Shroud Man was not Christ is 1 in 225 billion (data taken from Sindon magazine).


The mathematical data provided by de Gail shows us the following table.

Detailing the calculations:


Concepts and degrees of probability

(Elaborated only on seven characteristic aspects of the Shroud Man, leaving aside for example the flogging or the club received in the face) 
Degree of probability that the Shroud Man is not the Christ of the Gospels
1E Once deceased, every executed person was abandoned to animals of prey (birds, marauding beasts) or else thrown into the mass grave. Anyone executed was preferably wrapped in his tunic. The dead man in question was buried in a grave wrapped in a shroud.

1 in 3

2E Once deposited in the grave, the dead remained in it. He abandoned his Shroud before three days.

1 in 20

3E It ​​is physically impossible to separate the cloth that surrounds a body from its wounds, without destroying, even if only partially, the image printed by the coagulated blood. However, it was possible in the present case.

1 in 50

4E Usually the condemned were held to the cross by ropes. Nails were used in this case.

2 in 3

5E There are no known executives who have previously been crowned with thorns. Why did they do it? He proclaimed himself king?

1 in 1,000

6E It was customary to deliver a coup de grace to finish off the condemned man by smashing the bones in his legs. He received a throw after his death on the cross.

1 in 5

7E There is no known case of a executed person wrapped in a shroud. The Shroud in question is imprinted with the emphasized image of the body, not only perfect, but also made in reverse (that surprisingly sharp negative shows a face that retains in death an impressive expression of human dignity).

1 in 10,000


1/ x 1/ x 1/ x 2/ x 1/ x 1/ x 1 / 10,000 = 1 / 225,000'000,000


This means that if there had been 225 billion crucified in this world, only one of them could have been compared in all with the Shroud Man.


Indeed, it seems as if the image of Christ presented to us by the scriptures had been forged detail after detail following the revelations of the shroud, as if the shroud had existed first and then according to that Amodelo @ the Christ of the Gospels @. But for such a reversal of the order of things were possible, it would have been necessary for the evangelists to know beforehand (before writing) everything that many years of scientific investigation revealed of the Turin shroud, which is obviously inconceivable. This calls for reflection to all, skeptics and believers.


The Blood in the Shroud

Before this 20th century, all brown or grayish brown dye that showed a very old fabric were identified as blood stains. Currently science has the means to recognize the smallest traces of blood in a tissue, the shroud presented this type of stains and was studied by scientists Giorgio Frache from the University of Modena, Eugenia M. Rizzatti, Emilio Mari and Guido Filogamo del Turin Institute of Anatomy, and Alberto Zina. His study was to discover blood and eventually the nature of that blood in the fabric of the Turin canvas, the most modern techniques were used and the whole process from the choice of the sample to the analysis methods used. Once the examination was carried out, it was concluded that the results were absolutely negative.


Through the application of physics and chemistry no trace of blood was found in the threads of the cloth. No trace of fouling due to its microscopically inhomogeneous penetration could be discovered in the tissue fibers as would have been normal in the hypothesis of the use of some mineral pigment, which once again excluded the alternative of a paint.
What most surprised the specialists was that after opening the fibers (by means of extra-fine biological needles), inside they did not present the least trace of color, this showed that the brown color was only on the outer surface of the fiber. having affected the whiteness inside the thread, which should not have occurred in the case of blood stains, as it penetrates and colors the fiber deep.

No paint but no blood either.


They were examined in ultraviolet light (a magnification of 285 diameters) and the fibers did not fluoresce, which shows that there are no traces of hemoglobin or derivatives. Microscopic examination with procedures to highlight the presence of hemochromogenesis, a major dye in the blood, was also negative. An attempt to determine the Shroud Man's eventual blood group was also unsuccessful.


Doctors John Jackson and Eric Jumper (Professors of Physics and Aeronautical Sciences, respectively, at the Denver Colorado Air Force Academy, and at the Pasadena Center -NASA- in the United States) were part of the NASA team that studied the Shroud, they used an image analyzer, interpretation systems vp-8 image analyzer , and obtained an amazing three-dimensional image for its sharpness and precision which evaluated details that had been totally ignored of the body and face, including the presence of slight unevennesses that protrude almost imperceptibly in the eyes, like traces of a thin round object that had landed on the eyelid, in fact being the impression left by a small coin, another confirmation of the authenticity of the Turin shroud; the Hebrews were in the habit of placing coins on the eyes of the deceased, this is a second confirmation of the age of the shroud. This custom was very common at the beginning of the Christian era and disappeared in the 2nd century.


Donald Lynn image analysis specialist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA) in team with Dr. J. Jackson studied the spectroscopic intensity of the various details of the image of the shroud.


All the data obtained, whether it was the blood stains on the face or body, presented the same value of spectroscopic intensity when trying to clarify the way in which the image was formed on the tissue surface so that the projection in all parts are of the same intensity without there being color variations in the case of the only substance that is the blood of the body wrapped in the shroud. Science was in fact facing a real and scientifically measurable phenomenon although when it was still inexplicable a phenomenon that captured the image not by direct impression as it was believed for centuries but rather by an action at a distance, something even more strange, this action at a distance it was shaped following vertical directions from top to bottom and from bottom to top for both opposite sides of the body. That same body that would have plausibly abandoned the shroud in the same instant of a super flash as impossible as it is undeniable.


At the Albuquerque (NASA) conference in March 1977, Ray Rogers, a thermochemist at the Los Alamos laboratory, stated that there was a lightning photolysis of a duration limited to one thousandth of a second. This photolysis must have been produced by the intervention of light radiation. Then the man in the shroud and Christ would be the same and only person and the flash that dematerialized the body, printing it at the same time forever on the two inner and opposite sides of the shroud, would be the bodily resurrection idea that modern reason, however, does not want to accept .



To focus the discord between this data (C14) and the other studies carried out on the cloak, we will have to reflect on whether all the information found on the mantle could have been predicted by someone between 1260 and 1390, dates that probably corresponded to the manufacture of the mantle according to the result of the test of method C14, carried out in 1988.


Laboratories aware of the failures that occasionally occur in the use of this method did not dare to assure that the cloak was false. Many researchers around the world continue to wonder about the C14 discrepancy.


Dr. Garza Valdés, a researcher at the Institute of Microbiology at the University of San Antonio (Texas), has been able to experimentally verify with samples of the mantle fabric that there is an abundance of biological compound formed by fungi and bacteria that cannot be eliminated with treatments. of cleaning applied in the carbon 14 process. The presence of lichenotelia in the mantle would be sufficient to contribute to the falsification of the result.


  • Dr. Dimitri Kouznetsov, Lenin Prize for Science and Director of the EA Sedov Laboratory in Moscow, carried out an experiment that due to its simplicity is of enormous importance. He subjected a 1st century cloth correctly dated to C14 by the laboratories of Tucson (one of which analyzed the mantle in 1988) to the reproduction of a fire like the one suffered by the mantle in 1532. To everyone's surprise, the same laboratory that the data for the first time unaware that it was the same cloth found that this was undoubtedly from the 14th century, in a few days it rejuvenated 1,300 years.
  • The very fact of the impression by a light energy of unknown origin, could alter the analysis of the C14 .
  • The studies and experiments carried out by the members of (STURP)

Photography: visible, infrared, ultraviolet (about 5000 photos) vp-8 image analysis computer image enlargement, map function analysis ,. topographic images, multispectral analysis, mathematical image analysis, low energy x-rays; X-ray fluorescence. Spectroscopic reflection: ultraviolet, visible, infrared.


Thermography: Microdensimeter, Macroscopy, Microscopy: polarization, fluorescence, phase contrast of electrons, Biosterometry: Raman spectroscopy. Microlaseric test laser.


Electron energy dispersion spectroscope. Microspectrophotometric spectral transmission. Wet chemical test: generation of fluorescent glitter; CYAN hemoglobin and hemochromaging test. Protease Lysis, Immunofluorescence, etc.


To all this we must add more than 1000 chemical experiments to determine the nature of the whole image and the blood marks as well as the texture of the linen, water marks, various fibers, particles and debris.


As we can see, the mantle was greatly manipulated and irradiated in different studies prior to 1988. If the simple experiment of Dr. Demitri Kouznetsov altered a fabric duly proven by carbon 14 in 1300 years, it would be more than logical that the great manipulation and so many tests to which the cloak was subjected, give wrong data of its antiquity.


In April 1986 there was a nuclear explosion in Chernobyl which sent millions of curia into the atmosphere, forming a radioactive cloud contaminating Europe, and thus the mantle, thus altering any possible study with C14.
When you have an archaeological piece that has been repaired many years after its creation and you want to carry out a study of its antiquity, the only place that a sample should not be taken for this study is from the repaired part, the mantle suffered a fire in the year 1349 and another in 1532, by chance the laboratories that tested the C14 gave as probable dates of the manufacture of the mantle the years 1260 to 1390, historically knowing that the mantle suffered two fires during those periods.

As we can see, there are many possibilities that the C14 test is not giving us reliable or exact data regarding the age of the mantle.


It should be noted that shortly after the laboratories gave the result of the C14 test, a news story came out in various newspapers around the world: A group of English bankers had donated immense amounts of money to these laboratories, for having opened the eyes of fanaticism religious to the world being this shroud from the years 1260-1390, therefore false .


We would have to reflect on whether this was an innocent donation or as payment for the mistake made in the study of Carbon 14.




With the studies carried out, the historical authenticity and the non-artificial nature of the image in the shroud have been verified, no modern scientist can maintain that the image was made by the simple wrapping of a crucified man. No objective scientist can dispute the idea that this shroud enveloped the body of an executed man, but a body that was destroyed in a flash of light (photonic energy), leaving its image marked on the surface of the cloth that enveloped it at the same time. .. A man ... But who?


There are only two ways to answer this question feared even by the church itself, God or man ?. Jesus Christ, only absolute faith could prove it. The palpable, real man, with the same image of his terrible suffering. A crucifix from two thousand years ago that leaves us a radiophoto (the impression of his image, probably with light energy, photonics that is only found at the birth of a star), on his own funeral canvas, a man who died in atrocious conditions , a man who continues to be the expression (the scriptures when speaking of Jesus confirm it) of the human passion of Christ.


By combining these two responses we find one. The man-God, Jesus of Nazareth the son of God, and the son of man, as God left us the great message of evolution through a Christ life, being this at the total service of others, as man that of the humility, sacrifice, forgiveness and the promise of his return when humanity has understood and assimilated, the example of his life and actions. This return would be with the glorified body that transcended the dimensional planes with the resurrection.


Juan (XX 11-17) Maria was crying and she saw two angels in white, they called her Woman because you cry , they answered them, Because they have taken my Lord and I don't know where they have put him . Saying this, he stepped back and saw Jesus standing, but did not recognize him. Jesus said to her, Mary then she told Rabboni that in Hebrew it means my Teacher and Jesus said to her, Don't touch me


On Sunday very early in the morning when the corpse of Jesus was in the earthenware, the subtle bodies that still remained attached to the physical body initiate a chain reaction (movement) starting at the subatomic particles and then being at the atomic level following molecular levels, making that this body quickly passes the speed of sound, producing a boom which causes the stone that covered the grave to move out of place. Then this movement passes the speed of light, producing a flash of light energy which permeates the image of the body in the robe. Upon reaching this speed (light), the physical body passes into hyperspace through dimensional planes, thus producing a glorified body, that is, a multidimensional body. This whole process could have been carried out in a thousandth of a second, that is why this glorified body is not recognized first by women and then by the apostles and relatives who had the opportunity to see it after the resurrection (John XX 11-19 ) (Luke XXIV 15-41).


On Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene wants to touch Jesus and He says no, it may be serious to prevent her from suffering any damage from the high frequency energies that the glorified body had after the resurrection.


The glorified or multidimensional body of Jesus had no limit on the physical plane as the Gospels say, passing through the walls without any difficulty.


It only remains for us to thank science in its different manifestations for having deciphered the message that the Son of Man left us 2000 years ago and for having allowed us to recover the Face of Jesus Christ of which we very lovingly send him a copy.




Through suggestions and invitations received by communications from multiple antennas, our older brothers propose a joint work at a global level, in which the energies (cosmic, geomagnetic and human energies) would be consciously working, with which the time-space to create a great chain reaction of harmony and definition towards light. This work would be where we meet during the set date (Easter, April 1-4, 1999). The first two days would be used to harmonize in all our bodies (7) and to be aware of our potential (psychic-mental-spiritual), and all the love that is capable of expressing our being, working with it to restore harmony. and the evolution of our Mother Earth and Humanity. On Saturday at 3 am (local time) the work will begin that will simultaneously unite all human beings who assuming a conscious attitude and with all the force of love would be creating the necessary energies to help the birth of a new humanity, a humanity whose pillars are love and the cosmic laws of evolution.


The works to be carried out this day:


Harmonization chain and planetary irradiation.
Creation of an energy network around the planet creating a Reflective Shield. This would be made up of energies: cosmic (bright white energy), geomagnetic (bright blue energy), love energy (bright pink energy), light energy from power centers, golden energy).
Sown with light crystals in the planetary high places.

This work should continue for 24 hours until Sunday 3 am, in the next number we will share more information and the necessary guidelines.


Invitation to the meeting


We invite all the brothers who feel in the depths of their being to carry out this spiritual work, to the meeting that will be held on Easter (April 1-4, 1999) in Shasta County, California, which It will be completely free.


For more information you can contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Saying goodbye, we remember that as servants of the light it is our obligation and responsibility to radiate the truth and what it brings with it, wherever we carry out our lives. It is our privilege to serve selflessly where we are needed and to be living and conscious examples of who we are in essence, divine cosmic sparks .


Be with you the blessings of the Deep Christic Love illuminating your hearts and radiating around you.




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