The power of visualization
We were created to be co-creators of our realities and visualization is a powerful tool. Quantum Physics have already shown that how we think affects the results of many experiments.
I thank God for giving all of us the chance to be here in this unique time of our humanity's transcendental step.
We are in charge of our lessons, we pick the family, country and friends that will give us the environment where we can experience and grow what we need to learn in the current incarnation. We also decide what lessons we want to learn, if the life will be easy with one or two topics, or difficult with many subjects such us humility, forgiveness, compassion, love to others, etc. as well as how much karma we need to balance.
I've used visualization to manifest what I wanted in most of my life.
Many times I visualized which company I wanted to work for. All I had to do is visualize myself with an id of that company on me, and see myself working there happy, healthy and in harmony. I visualized it with all of my strength, feelings, held my breath as much as I could and let the image go!! I did it around three times and forgot about it, convinced it will work.
Around two to three weeks I was working there. Of course I also had to do all the paperwork and apply for the job.
When I decided to have a family, I visualized myself getting married with someone, with as many details as I could, without visualizing her face. After a while, I thought it wasn't working then I forgot about it. Only then all of the sudden I met my future wife.
I did the same thing in visualizing each of my kids.
Every day I visualize a dome of protecting light around my home and my kids's home. Many years ago we've just moved to California and while I was driving home, a big earthquake (1989 Loma Prieta) happened. When I got home, the apartment had no visible damage except a coffee cup that fell without breaking.
The apartment adjacent to us had so much damage with most of their cabinets contents on the floor and many broken things. The earthquake was big enough that lots of the pool water was thrown out of the pool.
After many years of great work, the computer industry came to a halt at the beginning of the century. No matter how much I visualized I didn't get the work I wanted. Only when I realized the lesson I needed to learn then was to be more humble, and became some, then my finances improved.
Nowadays, my main visualizations besides protecting my kids is, like thousands of others are doing, to help our humanity to have peace, end hunger, bring justice, harmony, etc like our Extraterrestrial brothers have suggested.
We always have to be in balance between our spiritual and physical needs. Keep our feet firm on the ground and our eyes/heart in the sky(heaven).
Helping others
All of us have the power to co-create, visualize changes with love towards others and have such a powerful effect.
Let's visualize helping others as much as we can.
Visualize harmony to those that need it.
if someone is sick, let's visualize them healthy, seeing that the negative energy in his/her body disappears and returns to earth to be recycled.
If they need surgery, visualize that everyone in the operating room is illuminated with light and perform the best and see that the operation went smoothly.
Praying is always good too. Visually we convey what we want quicker. It's like trying to explain an architect the house you want to build, we can explain it writing instructions of how we want it to look like or we can just show a picture.
When we pray or visualize in groups, the effect is exponential, more than the sum of each.
World tasks:
How to create anything in a Quantum Universe. Dr Dispensa: