Plant based foods and health
Our bodies were created to mainly eat plant based foods.
In the animal kingdom, the animals that are carnivores have a short intestine and the herbivores have a long intestine.
The carnivores eat meat and in a short time, their internal organs get rid of the food eaten very quickly while the herbivores have a long intestine because plants take longer to be assimilated by the body.
Humans have the longest intestine of all if we include us in the animal kingdom, we share 98% of our DNA with the chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys which are mainly herbivores.
We have herbivores teeth and those who say we are meant to eat meat, I think they would lose their teeth trying to bite into a live cow.
Lots of diseases and sicknesses are attributed to eating all kinds of meat. Beginning with cholesterol and coronary artery disease. Once the arteries are clogged with the residuals of the animal consumption, other sicknesses appear in the long term such as strokes, Alzheimer's, inflammation of the joints, arthritis, cancer, etc.
Inside the bodies of meat eaters, the eaten meat gets rotten by using the putrefaction method, since our intestines take a long time to process food. Also all of our organs absorb the chemicals and fumes from the rotten meat.
Inside the herbivores bodies, the vegetables and fruits get converted into healthy alcohol by fermentation that cleans our intestines.
Most carnivores are colorblind while herbivores see in colors. Obviously we need to distinguish if the fruits are ripe and the vegetables fresh.
There is also a known fact that the people on earth that have the most calcium deficiency are the ones that consume the most milk.
When people get really sick, the first thing that doctors usually say is to stay off meats and dairy for a while. If meat was good it would be the first thing to eat.
When we are young, our bodies can handle pretty much anything we eat, however when we get old, because of all those years of eating meat we begin to deteriorate and all kinds of sicknesses begin to appear.
On earth there are what's called blue zones where people live to be very healthy lives behind the age of 80. They eat very little meat or none at all, and are always doing something that keeps their bodies moving.
The best diet is vegan, where no dairy, cheese or eggs are consumed. This avoids colesterol and other health problems.
One of the most distinctive features of herbivores' teeth is their large and flat molars. These molars have broad surfaces covered in ridges and cusps, which are ideal for grinding and crushing plant material.
Our teeth are for mainly for grinding vegetables. Carnivores typically have sharp, pointed teeth, known as canines, which are used for tearing and gripping their prey.
Bruce Glass.