Rama Mission was created to be a bridge between the Extraterrestrials and our humanity. It's one of the different missions in place.

The angel  Luzbel (Lucifer) suggested to give some humanities free will in order to break the evolutionary impasse of not able to go higher in dimensions. Many were in fourth, some in Fifth and few in sixth but none on the seventh dimension, the maximum of the 7 physical dimensions.

The archangel Michael agreed but decided to create new humanities on the 3rd dimension with that power. This makes sense because you don't change the curriculum on existing students in a school.

Lucifer rebelled because he wanted to give his followers that power, and most of his followers lead by the extraterrestrial Satanel (Satan), from the fourth dimension decided to rebel too against the Cosmic Plan.

"Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
— Revelation 12:7–10 (NIV)"

They have declared a war against us, they were sent to earth to help us but became more determined to stop our humanity to ever reach our potential and keep us in ignorance. Since then they have influenced many people of highest position in all the world including businesses, governments , religions, news, musicians, artists, militaries, etc. They are the internal negative government of earth.

The highest beings seeing this, in order to balance the situation, they sent 32 extraterrestrials from different civilizations to create an internal positive government on earth, the Great White Brotherhood who now is composed by very spiritual people from earth survivors from Atlantis, Incas, etc.

We are now in the middle of the tests (compassion, kindness, etc. in hard circumstances) to go to the fourth dimension of consciousness, where Love is the key and forgiveness it's the companion.

The next level where there will not be sickness, wars, hunger, but the heaven on earth predicted in antiquity.

Jesus is the only one that have reached the seventh dimension of consciousness, he is waiting for us to pass at least to the fourth one.

One of the final toughest tests will be to exercise forgiveness to the maximum when we can also forgive all of those that made our humanity go trough many obstacles including Lucifer, Satanel and his followers.

Then our humanity will reach a level that no others in our universe had to overcome with such tests and we will be the 33rd civilization to join the Confederation of the Star.



Cosmic Hierarchy:

War in Heaven: