Dermo-optical perception

We all have the power to feel and see with our fingers. Old Scientific studies don't agree that is a valid perception.

However, when one prepares with meditations, fasting and elevating our vibrations, we just need to concentrate in our fingers with our eyes closed and are able to feel and see the history of what we are touching. We can be touching a rock, a wall, an object that someone had used it for a long time, etc. And in our inner eyes the history of the object is shown since everything is vibrations and everything gets impregnated with those vibrations. We also get to feel what people felt.

We can also use our hands and forehead to touch a mountain wall where the Great White Brotherhood (the spiritual internal government of earth) has entrances, we concentrate in imagining going through the wall and we get projected inside the mountain if we are ready for that experience.

In many of our meditation groups in the world, we get to be in outings where we use these abilities.

One of the group outings we did was in the area of Sedona, Arizona where when we held rocks in a desert, were able to see the history of the place, including natives that lived there before, including flooding. All members saw the same.

By invitation of the Extraterrestrial brothers we had some work to do in the area including in one of Sedona's energy vortexes later on, with the GWB so we had been well prepared by fasting (just water) for a week and our group's vibrational level was pretty high.

So much that when we took the flight back to California the next day two of us made the airport scanner sound the alarm when we went by it, they made me go a second time and the alarm went off again, they finally had to use the hand held devise to scan us and let us go to the gate.

It's easy to disregard something that we haven't experienced, I remember many years ago a writer who was supposed to be an expert in meditation, wrote to me telling me that seeing the past was impossible and that she was an expert on it because she had read all the books about meditation.

But when I asked her if she ever meditated the answer was no, she had never done it.

The extraterrestrials have said that our humanity was created with so many powers, many obstacles, no ET guidance and yet able to jump in evolution, mainly spiritual, it's all related. So many extraterrestrial civilizations are observing us with great expectations.


Dermo-optical perception

Dermo-optical perception (DOP, also known as dermal vision, dermo-optics, skin vision, skin reading, finger vision, cutaneous perception, digital sight, and bio-introscopy) is a term that is used in parapsychological literature to denote the alleged capability to perceive colors, differences in brightness, and/or formed images through the skin (without using the eyes, as distinct from blindsight), especially upon touching with the fingertips.

The magician Harry Houdini with Joaquin María Argamasilla known as the "Spaniard with X-ray Eyes".
Typically, people who claim to have dermo-optical perception claim to be able to see using the skin of their fingers or hands. People who claim to have DOP often demonstrate it by reading while blindfolded. The effect has not been demonstrated scientifically.
