Astral travel 

We all have seven bodies and every time we sleep we use the astral body to travel to places or through time. We often go to visit friends or relatives that have some kind of connection with us.

The astral body is a copy of the physical one. It's also a physical body too but of higher vibrations than the one we use when we're awake.

The astral body is connected by a silver cord attached at the navel and it stretches to even outside our world if needed.  When we die, the silver cord breaks and the astral body also dies after around 3 days. That's why there are many people that say they see the dear departed one (in astral) during few days after the passing.

See Ecclesiastes 12:6:
Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, Or the golden bowl is broken, Or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, Or the wheel broken at the well."

We are immortal beings with physical bodies.


When we sleep we can go anywhere we want, if our dreams were in colors that means that it was an astral trip. If there is noise or something else that makes us come back suddenly, then our conscious mind converts the quick experience of coming back as if we were:
o In an elevator going down fast
o In a airplane descending 
o Falling from above, etc
o In general just flying 
Then we wake up just before hitting the ground 

Our analytical mind converts our astral travel into something that makes sense to our current knowledge and beliefs .


Out of Body Experiences

When we remember going out of the body it's called Out Of Body (OBE) experience, still an astral travel but a conscious one.

There are many stories about patients under anesthesia remembering everything that happened during the operation or what others were doing and saying, even when they were outside the operating room.

When I was a kid, once I was out of my body and after having lost all fear of going outside my home, I wanted to explore how far I could go.

All I had to do was think of it and I was there.  I wanted to be above the earth. Instantly, I was there seeing our beautiful planet from far above and saw my silver cord extended to my sleeping body, then after few moments I decided to go under the ocean and got there right away seeing fish swimming around me, another beautiful experience seeing the beautiful auras of the fish.

In the Rama contact meditation groups, they use OBEs to do a special work of help if they can.




When we are in the astral, we can have access to the positive or the negative (nightmares) areas. That's why it's important to mentally create a protection dome around our place followed by a prayer or affirmation before we sleep or meditate. Creating a dome of light where only the positive entities or energies are allowed.
