Spiritual connection comes in many forms.
I've always been open in talking about meditation, Ufos and spirituality but only if my intuition tells me with whom.
I worked for AT&T for many years at the beginning of my computer programming career and gave me the opportunity to travel to some states.
Once I traveled from NJ to CA by train and subway and this professional African American, who I only saw once in a Manhattan subway, felt the need to tell me that she recently saw Jesus once when she was praying. She has always been very religious and was confused because she thought Jesus was God and Jesus told her to love God above all. Somehow she felt the need to confide in me.
Around 10 years later I started meditating in groups in one Rama contact group where sometimes we elevated our vibrations so high to send energy of change to the planet, that sometimes Some Extraterrestrial Guides become present to support our work. In 30 years Jesus appeared (not often) in our meditations around 17 times to support our short and long term work, after the meditation there where around 3 or 4 out of around 10 that described his presence. There are many groups in the world that also had this experience. (Matthew 18:20 ‘Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there.’)
Later on in California I started a group meditating at lunch time in my AT&T work place and mentioned that because they opened their mind to the possibility that Extraterrestrials exist, then if they pay attention in the future they could also see them.
Few months later I quit and became a computer consultant, and when I went to visit them later on, one of my peers who is also a pastor on the weekends, with a military background told me in private that he saw an UFO on top of top of his house when he was trowing out the garbage. And he knew it was not a military craft based in his experience and he was so excited to have seen them.
I was member of the San Francisco vegetarian and vegan group for many years, after I moved out of SF I got a called from an Asian lady who was a member too and told me that her Jewish lady friend wanted to talk to me about she seeing a strange face in her prayers/meditations at her home and was wondering if I could help. My friend knew about my experiences with meditations with help of extraterrestrials.
I met her at my friend's apartment and I wasn't sure about how much I should disclose about ETs so I asked internally for some kind of signal. Then all of the sudden I felt some presence and immediately saw the woman's aura and energies flowing in front of her upper torso mostly around her head like tubes of energy with colors and such high vibrations.
Then I asked her how he looked like and once she told me 'he was always silent, smiling and looked oriental with a skin white as a paper', I recognized the face of Oxalc, one of the Extraterrestrial guides. I told her to not be afraid and talk to him since he came to her based on her spirituality. They mainly use telepathy to communicate. I never saw that much detail in an aura again. The ET brothers and sisters use invisible connections to help us get what is needed.
All of us on earth are going through a change in perception, in consciousness, from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, no one of us is better than another, we just have the experiences at different times in our lives.
All knowledge is inside of us, we just have to look for it.
Love and be happy!!