We are co-creators of our own realities. I have been practicing meditation similar to Transcendental Meditation my whole adult life, from different groups. One of the main teachings from the beginning was the idea of the power of the mind that can manifest what we want and the main obstacle was to believe that we can do it. Other teachings were that we are all connected, "As it is above, it is below", and that the same cosmic laws apply in our level as in the cosmos or micro-cosmos.

When a group uses meditation with a common goal of affecting our physical reality, the effects are exponential. 

One example is the group of meditators that set up to clear the toxics of a polluted lake in Japan, using intention, thoughts and chants. Samples of the water were taking before and after and the water had no pollution when the finished after a couple hours of chanting. This group were strong believers of the " water miracle", pioneered by Dr Emoto who took pictures of molecules and showed how intention, words and music change the shape of water molecules.

In 1993, a group of Transcendental Meditators proclaimed that they will lower the crime in Washington, DC, the capital of the USA, at least 20 percent based in the amount of 4000 TMs. Most people did not believe that it was possible, including the head of police in that city. The TMs arrived in Washington from different parts of the country and after 4 weeks, the crime was lowered in the amount predicted. It was such a difference in crime before and after (23 percent), that the police chief declared to the public that the only way that he could explain such a change was if it was a big snow storm in the city, but it was none. The FBI shared this experiment with other police department across the nation. 

Nowdays, Quantum Physics have shown, multiple times, that the thoughts of the person doing the experiment, affects the outcome. The experiment being the split of the atom, sub-particles, or a simple one such as computer generated odd or even numbers.

We live in a time where people from different backgrounds such as scientists, religion leaders, philosophers, meditators, etc, begin to realize that some of what we have been talking for a long time was the same after all. That the power of thought, intention, prayers or faith have now a logical explanation and is that we can change our realities.



TMs lowering crime:



Water, consciousness and intent, Dr Emoto:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 .

Quantum Physics movie explaining it in simple terms:

"What the bleep do we know, down the rabbit hole, " and "" What the bleep do we know" movies.

Your reality is created by your thoughts, Dr Wayne Dyer, the law of attraction:
