According to our scientists, there must be at least 10 or 11 dimensions that exist in order to account for given anomalies in our physical world, anomalies that do not make sense if this physical dimension is the only one that exists.
Since the gigants planets, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn emit more energy than they receive, one study on planetary physics concluded that if our physical world is the projection of a higuer dimension, then according to our mathematicians and physicists, these planets should show on their poles, an hexagon. The Voyager took the first pictures of Saturn's hexagon, and in 2013, cassini did too.
According to the ET contact that started in Peru with the Rama Mission for over 40 years, there is a Cosmic Hierarchy placed in the 3 universes and 12 dimensions. The Physical Universe was created by the Mental Universe. The Mental Universe was created by the Spiritual Universe.
The Material Universe is where all the millions of galaxies exist, consists of 7 dimensions. Our humanity is in the 3th dimension going into the 4th. A lot of ET brothers that show up on our earth are from the Fourth Dimension, mainly from Venus, civilization that is in the process of going into the 5th dimension. Some of the Incas and Mayas calendars have the same days as in Venus. Specially in the Tiahuanaco ruins of Bolivia that is of a civilization much older than the Incas. Some ETs are from Mars too, they are in the fifth dimension.
In the fifth and sixth dimensions are those advance civilizations such as the genetic engineers, so called the "Elohims" in the bible that brought life from different places in the cosmos to our earth and the creators of the first humans, the Adams. In these dimensions also exist the 24 Elders of our Milky Way Galaxy that represent evolution itself, representing civilizations that have reach such level of evolution that help other civilizations like ours in its development. The 24 Elders now reside on Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter to be close to our transition to the next 4th level of consciousness. On the Seventh dimension, there is only one being in the whole Physical Universe that have reach that level and is Jesus, the one so called "Son of Man". Satan/Satanel is a being from the 4th dimension, disincarnated for now.
The Mental Universe ( also called the Eternal Universe ) consisting of 3 dimensions. This is where the beings don't need to reincarnate, the angels, archangels, querubins, etc from the Bible, or gods creators in some other old civilizations. In this universe exist Emmanuel, the so called "Son of God" from Christianity. The fallen angel Lucifer also came from here.
The Spiritual Universe ( also called the Universe of Unity or of the Absolute ) which contains 2 dimensions. The Father/Mother Supreme Creator which is God with both energies. The essential source of the Mental Universe.
This Cosmic Hierarchy has been given to our humanity before in our history, an example is the symbolism in the Tree of Life ( kabbalah ) that has 10 spheres emanating from the one representing God. The higuest spiritual entity is placed on just one sphere to represent the supreme God, while the ET description has 2 dimensions for God as the Father/Mother Creator. The Kabbalah and the Tree of Life symbolism has also existed on cultures such as Jewish, Christianity, the Chaldeans and ancient Babylonian.
Jesus mentions dimensions at different times. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."."My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.". "Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.". All of these refering that he is going to a higher dimension where eventually we will also go once we reach that level of evolution of consciousnesses, after innumerable reincarnations depending on our actions.
Our scientist are also studying the Hologram Principle theory where the physical universe that we see is not really 3 dimensional but it just seems to be. There are other scientists that deduct that our universe is a projection of a higuer dimension, like the shadow we generate, us who move in three dimensions, on the ground which is a two dimensional plane.
UFOs seem to dissapear and appear at will since they travel through the fourth dimension, time. It most have the same effect to insects on the ground when we walk in our three dimensions and our foot appears and dissapears on the two dimensions of lenght and width on the ground.
All of these points to a higher reality of which we are just conscious of the shadow, of the mortal body which is the shadow of the immortal soul and higher bodies. That our physical universe is a representation of a higher one, the mental universe and the spiritual one.
Note: My goal is to share information, not to convince anyone, nor to have long discussions about religion, history, etc. We should always decide by ourselves what our own truth is. I welcome comments specially if you see inaccuracies. Anyone can use meditation to reach any of the dimensions and have the capability to see history as it occurred, all we need is the know how, practice and believe that we can do incredible things. We are infinite beings inside finite bodies and we were created to be co-creators of the physical world.
Here are some links to scientific papers on dimensions. Eventhough I have a second major in Applied Mathematics, I don't even try to understand the math behind it, just have a general idea.
Why ten, eleven or more dimensions in string theory:
Nasa pictures of massive hexagon in Saturn:
Hiperdimensional Physics summary, mainly on work by Richard Hoagland:
Tree of Life ( Kabbalah ):
ET contact, Rama Mission:
Connections between dimensions, universes and our 7 bodies: