Who are the Extraterrestrials?


They are people like us who have already passed tests similar to our  third-dimensional school of education and experiences (Earth) and who out of love come to help to awaken us on our path of consciousness. The closest one to us in evolution, the ones from Venus that helped us through our history, are at least 10 thousand years ahead in technology than us, they used to be in the fourth dimension and now are in the fifth, part of it because their help to us.


The ETs seek, for work to help humanity, those who already have within them the predisposition to help others and accept that life in other places must exist.  They never impose or want us to change by force, they only suggest, and do not work with governments but with the common people, especially the most humble ones.


There are those on earth that on previous lives comitted to do work with them on this time of transition, the ETs have the technology to scan the whole world for people that have a clean aura and approach people on earth if ready to accept the existence of ETs.


All people that have already learned to give all of themselves with love to others after so many reincarnations on earth (like days one goes to school), reincarnate in other schools (planets) of the next level (dimension of consciousness) as the fourth and so on to the following dimensions and it happens throughout the whole Physical Universe.


All of the extraterrestrials who visit us went to other schools (planets),  there are at least a couple of them who had their learning here on this earth.  One of them is the  Extraterrestrial Guide Oxalc from Morlen (Ganymede), who initiated contact with Sixto Paz in 1974 when the Rama Mission on earth started.  Oxalc, in one of his previous lives, was a Jewish prophet.  The Extraterrestrial Guide Xendor is the only one of the ET guides born here in this life, he is  from the original race of Earth, the black one, he was an infant went he went to Morlen together with his parents.  And we also have Jesus who went to the highest level of consciousness and vibration on the Physical Universe but still has physical form.


In our history there are also the negative ETs who decided to rebel and follow the Ultraterrestrial (people of the Mental Universe) Lucifer who decided to go against the Cosmic Plan.  Among them is the fourth-dimensional extraterrestrial Satan and his people who declared a war on our humanity to prevent us from rising in consciousness and to discover our true potential.  They already disembodied a long time ago but they continue to influence us towards the negative, especially the people in power and try to do the opposite of love to others.


To balance, some Extraterrestrials who follow the Cosmic Plan also sent people here, initially there were 32 extraterrestrials who arrived and founded, known to us because of their clothing, The Great White Brotherhood, the internal government of the Earth.


We are in the process of change because the vibrations continue to increase, everything on earth is changing, even our DNA.  The children that are born now are already vibrating in fourth dimension, their bodies were already created to support it.  Our bodies are adjusting, but if we are not positive and working with the love that is the highest vibration that can exist, we cannot support it and we would have mental problems or heart attacks.


There are a lot of people that came from other planets of the same third level to be born here, to have the chance to go to the fourth dimention because Earth and our humanity was ready for it. I am so thankful that I am giving the chance to be here for the final tests of the school year.


Is a natural process when a planet goes to the next level of consciousness, only the ones ready for the next level of vibrations survive, imagine if we put 240 volts in a 120 electrical appliance, it would melt.


The Extraterrestrial brothers can only help humanity when we make the first step of helping each other. They consider that a humanity is civilized when they can help themselves and others, when there is no war and justice and love is the primary conscience. Based on their definition, we are not civilized yet. However, we are about to become one, today there are more good people in the world than ever before, there are millions of people working for others, helping to fight hunger, injustices, wars, help the desolate, the  environment, animals, the elderly, etc.


The ETs have more confidence in us than we have in ourselves, we are an answer to an expectative of the Universe.  When we finish moving on to the next dimension, we will give a boost to the entire physical universe.  Millions of years have passed waiting for us to make such a leap.


Brothers and Sisters, let's do everything we can to live in love for ourselves, for every thing that is alive and for life itself.





 The Cosmic Plan
