I had Out of body experiences as a child and saw UFOs once as a young boy, these experiences made me look for answers very quickly in life. I started to practice meditation just as I turned 20 years old with the goal of getting to know the real self.
When the Russians and North-Americans were landing on the moon, there were a lot of UFOs sighting all over the world, Ecuador was one of them. The huge cylinder shaped UFO together with 4 smaller flying saucer shaped stayed on top of the largest city, Guayaquil, for over half an hour, enough to been seen by thousands. A picture of them was shown the next morning on all large newspapers in Ecuador.
Later on, in 1989, I got exposed to a group of people, originally from Peru, called Rama Mission (Misión Rama) that meditates and had sightings and contacts with ETs. I originally thought that the speaker must be crazy but his exposition on meditation and metaphysics was impressive so I decided to take his free 6 months meditation course. It did not take me long to have experiences similar to tens of thousands of people in Latin America, Europe(Spain) and USA.
Through meditation, I have had many wonderful experiences, some spiritual ones. I have seen my previous reincarnations, my intuition has increased, my premonitions are more real, my understanding of what I came to do in this life is clearer, my believe that we can together change our realities is stronger and my connection with my higher self and with God is closer. The realization that we are infinite beings inside finite bodies, that love is the stronger force on the whole creation, and that we were created to be co-creators of our physical universe.
I have worked for many companies and met many people that had told me in private, about their UFOs sightings experiences, some of them when they were in the U.S. military, they only told me because I was very open talking about my UFOs sightings.
Throughout history, the ETs have helped humanity evolve, and all old civilizations have records of such contacts, most of them have been called gods, angels, or cosmic brothers (some native Americans).
Our humanity is transitioning to the next level in our evolution, the era of enlightenment, the fourth level of consciousness, the fourth dimension and our earth is also going through changes since it is going to be a school of fourth grade/dimension. We are doing our final test to pass grade and we have to do it ourselves, It's like a school, were the teacher stops teaching and is now turn for the student (our humanity) to take the final end of year test.
There are over 30 countries that now have open up their UFOs files including Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, France, The Vatican, Russia, England, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Ecuador, etc. Ecuador is the first country where the government declares that the UFOs are from an extraterrestrial origin.
The UFOs or ETs contact is done only when it helps our spiritual path of evolution. Long ago, a Chinese Buddhist friend that told me that the high Lamas in Tibet and India also have connection with higher beings such as ETs. By the way, they look like us and represent 32 civilizations from the cosmos, waiting for us, our humanity to evolve and become the 33rd civilization on these parts of the cosmos to represent the highest consciousness of the universe.
UFOs in antiquity:
UFOs in South-America, an extraordinary connection. It includes Ecuador's government UFOs disclosure: