The Extraterrestrials vibrational level
Our Extraterrestrial brothers and sisters have to lower their vibration and we have to raise ours so we can see them. The higher we go in evolution, the higher our dimensions and vibrations.
Thoughts of love, peace, harmony, etc make us vibrate higher, and of course all of our actions.
When we use our next higher bodies, the Astral or the Lower Mental body, it's easier to see them but only if we also elevate our vibrational frequency. This is why in a group meditation maybe 4 of 10 people see the same mental or astral projection of our ET brothers and we recognize them, because there are different vibrations in a group.
This is also true for their space ships, they can be right on top a a city and only few people can see them depending of their innate vision range or the one that has been developed through years of meditation. The ETs can also lower the ship's vibrational level enough for everyone to be able to see them.
In a group meditation outing, when we reach enough group harmony and vibrate higher, the ETs can give us the Xendras experiences, which are dimensional doors to transport us using our astral bodies to anywhere in time or space. While the ETs use their technology to create one, our humanity have the capability to create Xendras at will, there have been few cases when a group vibrates in such harmony that created or maintained an existing one for a limited time period.
There are a some negative experiences that some people believe were created by our ET brothers but that were actually created by the people's own minds or planted by those in power on Earth that try to confuse and minimize the peaceful message. This is why most of those so called negative experiences occur in the USA, almost none in Latin America, and a little bit in Europe.
Of course in the universe there are negative Extraterrestrials too that oppose the Cosmic Plan of our earth's people to evolution without interference, but there are very few that were able to pass the protection of the confederation ships, these were given warnings to leave right away or they were shut down. Those famous spaceships that crashed on earth (shut down by The confederation) like the one supposedly In Roswell, New Mexico, US is an example.
It's against cosmic laws to intervine in other people's evolution, this is why the ETs can help but not save us from our own doings, our own tests, lessons and karma. We can change our own humanity's future for the best, let's change it.
All of those that have had a personal contact with our Elder ET brothers, have a feeling of incredible peace that comes from them. Personally, in the only very close physical experience I've ever had, one of them touched my shoulder and all of the sudden, all of my fears, doubts disappeared instantly, the sensation of love replaced it and I felt the most calm I've ever felt.
Love my brothers and sisters, love God, yourself, all and everyone, that is the most repeated message from them, as well as all the illuminated people in our history. When we love others more than ourselves we elevate our vibrations to the next level.