THE XENDRA, One of the Initiations in Rama

"It is a dimensional door created artificially thanks to the mastery of the Light Energy, by our Elder Brothers. It is a threshold in Time-Space that connects and projects one or more people to another place or planet for a time that does not correspond to terrestrial time." 

The xendra is a concentrated projection of light, which accelerates the vibration of the person and acts as a dimensional step and threshold in time-space. The person who passes through a xendra can become dematerialized depending on the degree of intensity of the same, being subsequently teleported to another place, annulling its molecular cohesion and atomic weight.

This experience, whatever its intensity, which makes the difference as to whether or not the experience is subtle, can occur many times during the process of personal and collective preparation. This is the only initiation that can be received several times, and there are several types of xendra, including:

a) Xendra I For one person accompanied by a guide.

b) Xendra II Up to seven people can enter it, coordinated by two guides.

c) Xendra 3-4 Gimbra - This is the one that allows entry to up to twelve people at a time and is usually coordinated directly by the Council of the Confederation. This xendra varies in shape from something like a whitish or bright bluish cloud, to a luminous circle with sparks that float above the ground with its whitish surface, reaching a diameter greater than 10 meters.

The Xendra Gimbra, unlike the other types of dimensional passage that exist, guarantees a deeply spiritual experience and cosmic integration. The other xendras can lead from almost physical experiences to astral and spiritual projections.

Many people do not remember what they experienced inside this experience, so they must work to remember.


Actual xendra
