Date: 2005-08-27
Place: Montevideo - Uruguay
Antenna: Mishraelam
"The Earth contains its mysteries, still unknown to the seeker of truth. But we tell you that the eternal walker, the sincere seeker of himself, of his own reality, he who is not afraid to look such which is, he who overcomes his fears and his limitations, has managed to make contact with the depths of his Being, with the only tool that Creation gave him: LOVE. "
"To return to the origins, means to make contact with the essence of the Creator in you: Love in all its dimension."
"You will go to the Registries to rescue the lost wisdom. With courage and dedication you will be given the post of the information. You will remember, you will return where you have already walked and with the vibration of your keys you will open which keys the access doors and connection to the Records guarded by the White Brotherhood. But you will arrive with the full heart of Love, which will allow you to read in the Records what the symbols will tell you. "
We told you, because that was what was foreseen in the Plan, which is Love and Faith in the Plan who will guide you on your path. Therefore you will overcome the obstacles that the opposition will put you; First, beating yourselves, then arriving at the Retreats and establishing contact with the White Brotherhood for the affinity of Love.
Connecting from within, from heart to heart is the option chosen by you. Calmly and patiently, you will tear down walls and structures. With perseverance you will assume to walk the path, recognizing mistakes and starting again time after time if necessary.
With Humility you will face contacts; in silence you will understand; reaching your interior and making contact with your Inner Master, you will know how to continue, where and where to arrive. See with Peace, of mind and heart, that we are with you to guide you today.
Your Evolution processes come together today to fulfill what has been agreed upon since ancient times, to vibrate in the essentiality of the inner contact with you and between you, of the external contact with us, Guides and Teachers.
And the essentiality of contact is the Love that unites everything, sees everything, understands everything, comprehends everything. Love heals the wounds of misunderstanding, for now brothers get ready, prepare to review in your lives what you do not understand today. Only then will you teach to unlock the processes of misunderstanding that weigh upon you.
It is Love the Light on the path that all Rahma must find. It is the Love of Christ the Lighthouse, the Guide that is again among you, to guide you and to help you find yourself in forgiveness through the understanding of what has already been lived.
He is here among you and among us, to unlock the processes of misunderstanding that unite you with us, us with you.
Rahma is expected to vibrate today more than ever in the acceptance and understanding of the processes of each brother, of each committed to the Mission and the Plan, with Christ and with the Major Plan.
Know brothers that you teach us all that we have forgotten to apply with Love, for Love and in Love.
You teach us to accept and recognize your mistakes and our mistakes, also understanding the designs that the Profound has in each lived experience.
We ask you more preparation to live the full contact with us, to vibrate as workers of Rahma Mission together, in the complement, in the fulfillment of the proposed objectives.
With Love,
OXALC, SAMPIAC, Guides and Maestros of RAHMA MISSION.
(27-08-05, Montevideo - Uruguay)
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