Dialogue with a Guide.
"They call us aliens, but we are all part of the same process at different stages.
Just as all fruits do not ripen at the same time on the same tree, within each of them is the same essence, the same potential... it is only a matter of receiving the light and they will mature.
We have not come to give a new message... each star, each planet has an evolutionary pulse that guides the species contained, so the mother planet emits pulses of adaptation and evolution constantly for each existing biological level and develops balanced interaction plans between them.
In animals it is called instinct, but in the thinking being (human) it is a pulse that must be decoded using its consciousness to discern through intuition. Its intelligence to design action plans and its will to translate this into facts.
This is why human beings sensitive to nature perceive this pulse and feel the internal need to do something to direct the process of this humanity (new children and ancestral communities) thus, raising awareness in multiple fields that would perpetuate the human evolutionary process.
This is why new generations do not need an encounter with a stellar being to realize the ecological or social problems that humanity is currently going through.
Planet Earth is a living being and just like a teenager, it changes and develops. This pulse is generating a mutation in the feelings of its inhabitants, and many young people are rediscovering the awakening of ecology, science, the arts... a new renaissance is manifesting little by little. It is a metamorphosis of the process of excessive reasoning to achieve selfish ends, which is the basis of this present society, but it will have to end... to give way to a new connection with the planet and the cosmos if they wish to prevail.
That is why our presence is a reference, not an imposition. We are not interested in generating a new belief... rather in exercising an understanding of what is the best way to achieve a next evolutionary step."
From home to earth