Date: 2003-03-11
Antenna: Mishraelam
Yes Soriam and Soromez, from the Retreat of the Lake.
The solar disk contains solar codes that will awaken the sleeping wisdom and consciousness.
It is a dimensional door that in the correct vibration state allows you to go through it and connect with another reality. It encodes within it the eternal wisdom of the cosmic and earthly masters.
Q: What does the alignment of the Manasic Sun have to do with our Sun and the Solar Disk?
As a chain reaction, at that precise moment a light channel will be aligned and the Solar Disk will be transformed into a bridge where the entire planet will transfer it to never be where it is anymore.
It will be the new beginning. The fifth dimension will house those who are prepared.
Q: And the Replicas?
They will help the change to occur in harmony, in vibration and in tune with the original Paititi Solar Disk.
Q: And the Retreats?
They will raise your vibration like the whole planet. Others will materialize on Earth.
New beings will arrive and you will be instructed and prepared for the times to come.
The Eternal Flame Maxim symbolizes the eternal flame within you, which in turn represents the Creator.
It is the internal fire that purifies and transmutes, that changes and transforms. It is the Light for which you fight, Warriors of the Light, and the one that is transformed into Love so that you can overcome.
It is the Flame that speaks to you discovering the wisdom of the Eternal in you. It is the highest mind of the Great White Brotherhood whom we venerate and whom we serve. She is the first cause of whom we nurture with her wisdom ...
… From the Lake Retreat, with Love,
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