2003-11-08 Communication from the ET Guides Rumilac and Anitac

Gino D'Angelo, Trujillo, Peru. 08.11.2003


The mission is to prepare man for these times of crisis and of encounter with the Divine Energy and the heart of the Masters.  It is the time of the encounter with the found teacher, you and your connection with the Profound Love.

You will see that this time opens up in opportunities of evolution, after they were told that you are in time fulfilled.

Now your teaching must sprout and sprout like spring water from the rock.  Open to the fullest to meet your mission, in this, the time you waited not only to evolve but to accompany the path of your brothers.

Be ready to the solar call.  Go to your own meeting.  Overcome their mistakes by demonstrating strength.  Have Faith in the hopeful future that brings you the New Earth announced and prepared now.

Today you will meet with Promoters of the announced time.

Have peace to continue.  We are watching you, your is the way.

Rumilac and Anitac