The Heart of the Planetary Spirit

Personal report of the expedition to Paititi August 2010

My thanks to:
Sixto José Paz Wells - Tell Elam
Argenis Jara García - Onancim
Patries Wihelmina Gerarda Van Elsen - Elyah aram
Marcia Ely de Avila Fraga - Eliatell Rah
Susana Emma Gavilánez Vega - Amixur
Nelson Hugo Piriz Dornel - Eritel
Cristian Sánchez Barros - HellAham
Francisco Graciano Sosa Mandujano - Anitam
Nimer Eduardo Obregón Room - Elexur
Juan Miguel Antonio Luciano López - Alatad
Daniel Francisco Lage Saavedra - Mernec
Jaime Antonio Martínez De La Rosa - Ishiram

for being Friends, Brothers and Teachers along the way. "Only when man discovers what God wants from him, the greatness of him and the triumph of him, only on that day will the rebirth be fulfilled, the Anrrom finished and the Book acquaintance.

 Only those who accepted from the beginning will accept the process; many accepted it but did not want to recognize it until the time had come."

 With love Oxalc



 February 1997, Hayu Marca, Puno-Peru. "The doors are open, you just need to open the door of your heart."

 Master Soromes

 About seventy kilometers from the city of Puno, very close to Lake TitiCaca, is Hayu Marca, a blind door carved into the rock wall of the mountain. Night fell in the area and the group prepared to open the door with the mantra Zin Uru, one by one we approached the rock wall to do dermoptics.

 It was incredible to see how each of the brothers who approached the door disappeared from our sight despite being a few meters away, as if they were really physically crossing the rock.

 As I get closer I see that the vision I had from afar, that the stone was in motion, was not a product of the night or the distance, the rock had a strange luminosity and gave the sensation of moving like smoke rising from the bonfire.

 I timidly put my hand on it, feeling it cold and hard, I brought my forehead closer for a few seconds without feeling anything, disappointed I decided to return and make way for another brother.

 It was there that I heard a voice in my mind telling me to kneel and put my forehead in the center of the door (the door is blind, carved into the rock about thirty centimeters inward, giving the pattern that only leads to another reality, another dimension. It has a strange shape, from the middle upwards it is wider than from the middle downwards and in the center, at the junction of the two halves, a half sphere is carved).

 As I brought my forehead closer to the circle it was an incredible explosion of light, it seemed like I was traveling at high speed through a tunnel, but receiving an incredible amount of knowledge which I could not retain consciously, because of the speed at which they came. Physically it gave the sensation of entering. A few minutes later I see myself inside a very dark room, it seemed to be a cavern, I couldn't distinguish the details until I see a very powerful light approaching. When I look up I see an old man in white robes in front of me.

 He told me that he was the guardian of the place, that that door led to the retreats of the white brotherhood and that we were in Paititi, he took a step to the side and allowed me to see that behind him was the Solar Disk, the symbols drawing my attention. around it as if they were the hours of the clock and above all the symbol that it had in the center like a human face with feline features.

He asked me to come closer and put my hands on it, when I did so I saw that the disc was translucent with a faint golden color as if it were mirrored glass. When I touched it, waves were produced on it, like when one touches the water, the symbols disappearing. and the disk transformed into a screen or window where many images could be seen. I see the planet and how a network of light is forming around it, taking the shape of a crystal. The teacher tells me that this crystal is formed by the light of the disk, dimensional doors and all the places worked by the groups, that with each work of irradiation or sowing of crystals we are potentiating that crystal that will lead the earth to the reconnection of times. He shows me that in the north of Uruguay there is also a dimensional door and says that in the world there are several that connect with the cosmos, he says that the work of the groups is to locate them and connect them with the retreat of the white brotherhood so that they become part of the planetary light network.

After a while she says that it is time to return, that I prepared myself that in the future, I would travel to Paititi...



 It seems like it was yesterday, but three years had passed since the 2007 expedition.

 Once again she was in the peque descending the waters of the Madre de Dios River.

 I sat in the boat and casually next to me sat Calixto (Machinguenga guide who accompanied us on the 2007 expedition to the Blue Base and who shared important revelations with us on the Pusharo wall), arriving at the Siskibenia river, you could see it in the distance. a huge mountain range and as if the Machiguenga read my mind he told me "look Dario, Pantiacolla, Pantiacolla", without knowing that we were heading there.

 Upon arriving at the indigenous community of Palotoa Teparo, children, women and the rest welcomed us friendly of men, all eager and full of curiosity to see these distant friends who came to visit.

 We leave to the the community the gifts that we carried: clothes, machetes, medicines, supplies schoolchildren, etc. Then we shared at school with the teacher and her students. From there the backpacks were in the little ones; and with the group we continue walking, a little along the trail and another along the river bank.

 In the jungle it gets dark early, so by three or four in the afternoon at the latest you have to be camping, it is not easy to find a sandy beach, so when you find a sandy area you have to stay. We did this very close to Aguaroa (place where the community was in the past, at the crossroads of the Siskibenia and Rinconadero rivers) setting up camp, the first, on our first day heading to Paititi, August 9, 2010.



 Pusharo is located on the left bank of the Siskibenia River, facing the Meganto mountain range through which the river passes, forming a dangerous canyon that leads to the Sacred Lands of Paititi.

 Upon arrival, I crossed the river once again to the bank opposite the wall, we were going to camp there since the river had changed its course and now passed in front of it. The intense rains and violent waters removed the jungle forest, allowing us to see the wall in its entirety, the symbols that in 2007 we had to kneel to do dermoptics were now two meters high.

 This reminded me of the message that said:

 Communication: 03-19-09
 Place: Montevideo, Uruguay
 Antenna: Tell-Elam

 The White Brotherhood has set the deadlines for the information retained in the Retreats to come to light, in such a way that in two years from this moment, everything will arrive, everything will be known and it will affect everyone...

 This fact was a clear sign of what awaited us, we were already in the "time in which the time is now" the right time and place that they had told us about,  we were on the journey where the retreats of the White Brotherhood of Earth would connect and open to allow the definitive delivery of the book of the White Vestments to humanity.


 Communication: 02-26-09
 Location: Montevideo
 Antenna: Eltiarem

 Yes Mardox with you.

 ...Little brothers, the reconnection of times is before you, and this is the time of which we told you that we would meet on the path.

 The Book and the Masters await the great day when humanity takes that great step and reaches the retreats in search of its past...


 Communication: 05/06/09
 Location: Beaches of Tijuana, Mexico
 Antenna: Tell-Elam

 Yes Oxalc

 What is clear is that the White Brotherhood will project all its wealth of information and help, influencing in all directions, through the most unusual, unexpected and sometimes absurd means. In such a way that the awakening will be general and instantaneous, bringing with it changes and transformations previously unthinkable.


 Communication: 03-13-10
 Location: Montevideo
 Antenna: Eltiarem

 From the Blue Base, the gathered Guides greet you. Many of you have been prepared over time, so that when this moment comes you feel the call deep in your heart.

The pilgrims of time will walk in the footsteps that they have walked in the past, protected and guided by the Lady of Light (Anawie: Earth's Spirit).

 Strength and conviction is the preparation for this journey and above all, a pure heart, to carry out the trials of the path in the name of Humanity. Everyone will discover and see clearly how everything is fulfilled, being part and supporting, so that those seven pilgrims can witness the most transcendental moment not only of Merla but of the Universe that will see and feel how the cosmic plan comes to fruition. There in front of the Heart of the Heart, you will make your minds and hearts vibrate, so that everything happens, and like a rainbow of lights and energies travels through the world opening consciences.

 We wait for you and guide you on the path, with love Oxalc.


 Communication: 05.12.09
 Location: Tenerife, Madres del Agua National Park (Vila Flor)
 Antenna: Tell-Elam

 Yes Oxalc.

 Dear brothers, you are in the time of time; at the moment when deadlines are met and where paradoxically things can be significantly varied with the magic of love that you manage.


 Communication: 05/17/10
 Location: Actrup, Germany
 Antenna: Tell-Elam

 We need you as a single body, so that, strengthened, you will see the signs that will appear at each step, which will show you that this is not just another journey, but rather the one that had to be made at this special moment in planetary history.



 Time without Time

 Crossing the Meganto canyon is a unique experience, the high rock walls full of vegetation, the river rapids, the stones of different colors, make a unique landscape. On the other side one feels different, one is already in the realms of Paititi, harmony and the feeling of protection surrounds us at every step, making one feel observed.

 Rested, healthy with the joy and excitement that gave us the strength to carry the weight of the backpacks, it took us almost eight hours to reach the beach where we camped.

 This place was very special. Behind the hills is the ravine that leads to the Blue Base, whose energy could be felt in the distance.

 It was in this place that something very special and strange would happen upon our return. Tired and most of them with their feet hurt from the long days of walking among the stones and crossing the river hundreds of times, their shoulders supporting the weight of the backpacks that grew with each step and after several hours of walking we arrived at the camp. 

 We rested and ate some bananas that the Machinguengas had left buried to ripen and we continued the march, the idea was to be able to reach Pusharo that day despite the fatigue.

 We left camp at eleven in the morning and calculating the hours it took us in good physical condition to arrive, it was very difficult to arrive in daylight.

Just before reaching the canyon, cross the river once more in a fairly strong rapid, the fatigue had delayed some brothers so I sat down rest and wait for them to arrive, it was there that Sixto told me made us see in the trees as if with the light of the rays of the sun the figure of a woman was forming. She was incredible to see that image, that manifestation of the spirit planetarium, just at the moment when Nimer, Pancho and Johnny were crossing the rapid in the middle of the river, as if with her presence she were protecting us and giving us strength to move forward.

We continue advancing reaching the canyon, crossing it a swarm of butterflies fluttered around us around as if greeting us. When you reach the wall Exhausted we sat down to rest, it was there that I asked the time, realizing that something strange had passed, we did the entire journey in just four hours, half the time spent Going.


August 15 dawned clear, gladdening our hearts feeling that Mother Nature gave the guarantee of entry. There were only a few hours left to reach the mountain of the face, where the largest intraterrestrial center on the planet is located, headquarters of the White Brotherhood of the Earth.

After a few hours of walking we came across a second canyon (the Temple Canyon, named after the 2005 expedition since crossing it is a great test due to the dangers it contains and which tempers us on all levels).

We continued advancing along the river, reaching the foot of the mountain, we hoped to find the place where five years ago it was a dense jungle, the rains of January and February were so strong that the floods of water and mud that came down from the mountain had changed the entire landscape, dragging stones that weighed several tons, losing them in the river and making completely disappear the Inca road.

Despite this, the group was not discouraged and continued to advance, as if an invisible force was pushing us up the river.

The Machinguengas went out to explore in search of a place to camp, but they came with the news that there was no beach, so we had to clear weeds and camp in the middle of the forest, with the dangers that this implies, in addition to the fact that we felt pain in our necks. our hearts that we were committing a transgression against Mother Nature.

After setting up the tents and bathing in the river we had dinner, night fell on the jungle and the faint light from the sky still allowed us to see without the use of flashlights. Gathered by the fire we talked about the path we had traveled and what we were feeling. After finishing dinner I went out to the river to wash my cup, which also functioned as a plate. When I left the forest, on the rocky beach I saw Sixto gathered with other brothers and that's when he told me, "come Dario, look."

He points me down the river on the beach, I see two people walking about fifteen meters away and behind them a whitish luminosity in the shape of a dome or half moon.

The two brothers were Hugo and Jaime who approached the Xendra, upon entering it, the energy enveloped them, transforming the dome into a sphere.

Sixto tells me that he passed the Xendra and met the Lady of Light.

He asked that we all pass the the largest disk of Paititi the Heart of the Heart.

After meditating, reading and sharing the communications received, we went to the Xendra, standing in line and mantramizing as we had been asked.

In the because of the expectation that fell on the group and the mission. I strongly feel the presence of the Lady of Light, she approaches me, takes my hand and asks me to accompany her, that's when I see the Solar Disk. I observe it with great emotion. When I go to mantralize, she tells me to follow her and guides me behind the disk. I see another one, but it is smaller. size, I also see and capture Egyptian symbols, I ask him if we are projected there and he says that the disks moved to the Paititi, now I start mantralizing feeling that each of the thirteen of us were on a different disk.

After a while I see myself on the beach, the night is clear, I open my eyes feeling that there are many people around us.

The group is alone in front of the river but that is only physically, the presence of guides and teachers is more than overwhelming, as well as the presence of all the people in the world who were supporting us.

This would be confirmed on the last day, when we left the Xendra we remained silent and magically the jungle was filled with the song that came down the mountain, as if hundreds of people chanting Rahma accompanied us at that moment. A beautiful song that filled our hearts and that even the Machinguengas themselves They listened and were amazed at it.

Communication: 05/17/10
Location: Actrup, Germany
Antenna: Tell-Elam

Yes, we are your brothers mission guides.

...About Paititi we tell you that everyone's support It will be important in the results. Know that since As they begin their journey they will be guided and protected, and with even more so in the jungle region. In no moment you will be alone, many will be with you. many different ways. Because not only will represent many, their presence in the place and in that moment will integrate all those who have walked for the mission in all these years; they will then be many who will walk with you at every step.


On the morning of the 16th we went out to explore, upstream there is a fairly large rock beach where we could clearly see the chasm of the mountain and the human face looking at the sky that is formed there. I see Cristián and Hugo and I approach them, they have a large stone in their hands, when I see it I get a big surprise, the stone has a perfectly carved triangle, it looks like a marker that someone left on the path, a sign that we were following the correct route.

We continued along the river where the sign indicated. stone, very close to there I see a small trickle of water that came out of the forest, as we get closer we see a fall of water that descends from the top of the mountain,

With Hugo and Daniel we began to climb, climbing the rocks full of moss discovering a magical place that invited us to continue exploring. Step by Step we continue moving forward pushed by a force interior without knowing where it was leading us.

We had been climbing quite a bit when I saw a very special stone in the water, my eyes couldn't believe it, it was a perfectly carved rock slab about two meters long, the water passed largely over it, we stopped to observe it, from From there it was like an avalanche of discoveries, stones of different shapes and sizes in apparent disorder and chaos, but in perfect harmony with the environment, between the water, the mud and the jungle they showed us the ruins of ancient staircases and remains of walls, inert witnesses of a disappeared civilization.

Patries, Marcia and Susana climbed behind us, marveling at what they saw. Motivated, they continued moving forward, getting lost in the vegetation, touring the place.

Soon we would descend since we were not all there, some brothers were missing so we would return the next day all together as brothers of time representing humanity, in search of the nature sanctuary, where the dimensions intertwine.


"Add saesca sites mel hassur salt.

The book of those who raised awareness, loving with the heart"

On August 17 we climbed the mountain, now the thirteen of us together heading to the heart of Paititi. I went ahead of the group, opening the way, magically nature opened up before us, allowing us to climb without difficulty.

Once again we observed the perfectly carved stones and slabs and the expectation of what we would find beyond where we arrived the day before was generated within us. I climbed the mountain in silence reflecting on the moment and the responsibility that fell on us and the Mission, it was there that I stopped in front of a small waterfall with three waterfalls that fell into a small lake, it was a magical place, a sanctuary of nature.

The energy and harmony generated an inner peace that made us feel like we had always belonged to that place, we were in the heart of Paititi. Something inside me told me that I should not continue moving forward, it was then that Susana arrived and told me the same thing and behind her the others along with Sixto expressed the same feeling.

Sumar saesca sites mel hassur salt, this is the book of those who raised awareness, loving with the heart were the words of Sixto when he arrived at the waterfall and remembered the meaning of that phrase that is engraved on the cover of the book of the white garments.

It was after this that Sixto performed a union ceremony between Patries and Cristian, it was something symbolic but at the same time very profound that was beyond the union between two people, something that mentally led me to feel the alliance between God and Humanity. . Those words seemed to come channeled, bringing a message for this time and that would remind me of something I received a few months before.

Communication: 06-20-10
Location: Montevideo
Antenna: Eltiarem

Yes Oxalc in communication.

They must tune in to the history stored there, managing to experience and understand to assume the role of guardians of the new alliance, that related to the reconnection of times.

In Paititi seven will arrive, to be witnesses and part of the link and connection of the dimensions through the Great Disc in synchronization with the twelve minors.

Seven will enter and one will leave, because what they find there will return to their hearts...

We sat down to meditate, it didn't take long for the presence of the Lady of Light to become present there at the waterfall. It was a moment where the veils were lifted and the light became present, an awakening of consciousness that allowed me to understand the entire process experienced in the mission, who the Lady of Light is and understand a little more of the cosmic plan.


"This is the symbol of the return to origins.

The new Being the new Humanity"

The Lady of Light

It was during the expedition to the Blue Base in 2007 when, on the Pusharo wall doing dermoptics, the Lady of Light gave me this message referring to the symbol of the heart face with the cross with equal arms above.

But it would be at this time and place that I would understand everything clearly, returning to the origins is re-entering into contact with the planetary spirit, becoming aware and connecting the feminine aspect of creation with Mother Earth.

At that moment I believed that the lady of light was the guardian of Paititi but now I understood that she was much more, she was the spirit of the planet, our mother earth that tries to communicate with us, just like a woman who is about to give birth, communicates with her child in her womb.

Starting in 2012, Mother Earth will give birth to a new humanity of which we can be part, but to achieve this we will have to live and act in the energy and vibration of love (the heart face) and with awake consciousness in balance and constant evolution. (the cross with equal arms). Upon leaving the meditation at the waterfall, Sixto began to tell about his experience.

It was incredible to hear his words explaining everything with total clarity, like advanced civilizations Extraterrestrials so much psychically to the point of repressing their emotions, reaching such high technological development by controlling and manipulating genetics that they took the spirit of their planets to a latent state, leaving it without the capacity or strength to generate new life, with the consequence of stagnation.


I remember being with Master Joaquín in the crystal room, there was also the Lady of Light and other Masters. I ask him what information the green crystals contain and he tells me:

"What they contain is very important, but more important is what they are, what they represent and what humanity must do with them.

They are part of the crystal heart of the alien planets, and even in them the planetary spirit is latent. At one point they were taken to the center of the galaxy, so that the energies of creation emanating from higher universes towards our universe would reactivate the planetary spirit."

The crystals contain the information of the creation and development of life on these planets, as well as the psychic and technological evolution of the civilizations that inhabit them, the good and the bad, their virtues and their defects. It is for this reason that they have tried to prevent humanity from accessing the knowledge stored in them for fear that we will know their weaknesses and the reasons for their stagnation.

"Then they were brought to Earth with the purpose of preventing the dissident civilizations that were against the cosmic plan and the Merla project from destroying the planet, for fear of permanently losing the crystals and condemning themselves to definitive stagnation, these were placed in custody of the White brotherhood of the Earth."

The fact that the crystals are on the Earth means that they are nourished by its energies, which in some way also reflects

The qualities and strength of Mother Earth that allows her to move forward despite great trials are also reflected in them.

This is the reason why we must become aware and come into contact with the planetary spirit. It is not only humanity that will give the example to extraterrestrial civilizations of the path to follow in spiritual evolution, but also Mother Earth will show them. the path of how to continue creating life on extraterrestrial planets.


We can say that the objectives of the trip have been met by accessing the waterfall on the mountain of the face, the heart of Paititi, reaching where no one has ever gone.

Connecting with the solar disk synchronizing it with the twelve minors, not only for the thirteen brothers gathered there but for all the people around the world who supported and were in tune in a true mental community.

This connection has allowed the white brotherhood retreats around the world to open and connect so that they are never closed and the information from the book of the white robes to come out and flow in every way possible before the reconnection of the white robes. times, bringing light of awakened consciousness to all humanity.

Become more aware of the cosmic plan, learn from the mistakes of extraterrestrial civilizations so as not to fall into them and know our history so as not to repeat negative moments.

Feel and come into contact with the planetary spirit, incorporate it into us and become aware that from now on we can "Believe and Create" and what changes in us will also change the planet.

The presence of the guides has been more than forceful, demonstrating that this continues to be a contact mission and that it is becoming increasingly closer. Their ships were shown with complete clarity at key moments, showing us the way to follow.

as their messages had announced. Supporting each other in every moment as it was on the Pusharo wall when the seven brothers went to meet the teachers to incorporate the planetary spirit.

Communication: 05/17/10 Location: Actrup, Germany Antenna: Tell-Elam

In Paititi you will hear and see, and you will be seen, just as you will see us accompanying you with our presence and always ahead, opening the way for you to arrive and return safely. What you take with you will be multiplied, so meditate well on what you have in your hands and in your heart.

This trip has been a true initiation journey, not only for the thirteen but for the entire mission, ending one stage and beginning another very important one. From now on, as the guides told us at the Punta Colorada meeting, Uruguay is the time for the instructors of the new time, those who raised awareness by loving with the heart.

"... regarding the qualities that you must promote in yourselves, to be prepared for this time, we tell you that you must do everything that makes you more sensitive, and to do so, maintain consistency in your meditations and in all the spiritual and mental work with which you are helping yourself and the planet. Do not let laziness and laziness win over you, because lowering your spiritual defenses at this time is suicide.

To help the planet, work on your own comprehensive healing, always acting positively, thereby generating an inspiring example for others. Do not neglect how much you have learned because you are reaching the moment of the final exam, so now is when everything makes sense.

Practice your learning, grow by doing your preparation. Live what you learned so that it activates internal forces that change and reverse everything. Dear brothers on mission, it is time to wake up. He who is not in harmony with himself will not be able to be in harmony with others or with life, and will not be useful for the Greater Plan.

Now is when the best is expected of you. Thanks to the warriors of light, world leaders will be positively influenced, moving them away from the darkness that clouded their actions, and do not doubt their potential to reformulate everything."

With love Sampiac.

Thank you to all the brothers, for your support and dedication to this Sacred Mission.

Thanks to the Master of Masters, the Lord of Time, for being there, always showing us the way.

With Love in the Light, Eltiarem.