Cosmic Plan
Cosmic Termination
(Extra/Intra)terrestrial Guides
Galaxy Council
Mission Tasks
Path to Infinity
Rama Mission
Contact Outings
Scheduled outings with the Extraterrestrial or Intraterrestrial brothers
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Extraterrestrial Contact Partial List
Hits: 1806
2020-03-20 Contact Outing to Isla de las Aves, Mexico. - Antarel, Sampiac
Hits: 1377
2018-08 Outing to Paititi. - Meeting the Galaxy's 24 Elders and the Earth's White Brotherhood
Hits: 770
2018-01-20,21 Outing to Chilca, Peru. 44th Rama anniversary
Hits: 769
2018 Feb,Mar Ecuadorian preparation trips for Paititi
Hits: 1113
2015 Outing to Tulipe, Ecuador. Part 5. -Humanity now part of the White Brotherhood and Umiña reception
Hits: 792
2015 Outing to Tulipe, Ecuador. Part 4. -How beings from "supposed" mitology were created
Hits: 856
2015 Outing to Tulipe, Ecuador. Part 3. -Bird (Headed) Men Guardians of Knowledge
Hits: 1128
2015 Outing to Tulipe, Ecuador. Part 2. -Umiña part of the Cosmic Plan. The Bird Man
Hits: 851
2015 Outing to Tulipe, Ecuador. Part 1. -Umiña Stone and the Star Guardians. Incas, Huayna Cápac, Atahualpa, Huáscar, Rumiñahui
Hits: 827
2012 Council of Light in Bolivia. Post delivery to Earth Groups, Video
Hits: 1565
2010-08 Paititi Expedition. The Heart of the Planetary Spirit
Hits: 685
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 8
Hits: 724
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 7
Hits: 586
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 6
Hits: 662
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 5
Hits: 617
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 4
Hits: 635
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 3
Hits: 557
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi, Part 2
Hits: 598
2007-08-11,12 Outing to Peru, Gobi
Hits: 571
199x Contact Outing to Sedona, Arizona to work with the Intraterrestrial Great White Brotherhood
Hits: 632
199x Contact Outing to a California farm. - Incarcerated souls
Hits: 559
199x Contact Outing example in Unidos en el Contacto. - Rama
Hits: 752
1994-04 World Letter 4.- Bolivia, Easter Week
Hits: 1656
Recently Added
Plant based foods and health
Power: Living example: Buddha with many powers
Evolution Path to Infinity. Will
Evolution Path to Infinity. Wisdom
Evolution Path to Infinity. Love
Power: Levitation. Able to walk or stay in the air
1974-01-24 Communication from Oxalc
Power: Living example. Martin de Porres with many powers
Power: Intuition. Acquiring instant knowledge
Power: Astral Traveling. Travel when sleeping
Power: Dermo-optical Perception. See and feel an object's history
Power: Remote Viewing. See past or present events, hidden locations
Power: Telepathy. Mental communication at distances
Spiritual connection in us
Power: Bilocation. Being in 2 places at the same time
2024-12-25 Communication from a Guide. Earth's pulse, a mutation of its inhabitants
2024-12-14/15 Communication from Oxalc. Earth is evolving, light blue energy
2024-10-07 Communication from Sampiac. Connecting the 3 universes
2024-07-30 Communication from Sampiac and Antarel. Lemurian pyramids
2024-08-07 Communication from Oxalc and Sampiac. Connecting with Lemurian records
Extraterrestrials in Mesopotamia and Southeast Europe. Orion Constellation, Reptiloid people
Nicholas Roerich. Contactee with the Great White Brotherhood
2010-08-15 Communication from Oxalc, Joaquin. Book of the White Vestments
Earth's 4th Humanity. Atlantis
Earth's 3rd Humanity. Lemurians, Elohims
Earth's 1st Humanity. Antartic
Earth's 2nd Humanity. Hiperborean. Tule, Odin
Pusharo. Rock wall with petroglyphs
2010-08 Paititi Expedition. The Heart of the Planetary Spirit
Extraterrestrial Battles on Earth.