Paititi, Peru

One of the Intraterrestrial sites of the Great White Brotherhood and a place where the main Solar Disk is located.

In the XVII century, Jesuit Missionaries arrived in Paititi and created a map describing the route and how to access it.

Paititi is the origin of the legend of "El Dorado, The City of Gold".




"Corazón del corazón, tierra in-dia (en el día) del Paititi, a cuyas gentes se llama in-dios".
(Heart of the heart, earth in-day (in the day) of Paititi, whose people are called in-god).


"Todos los reinos limitan con él pero él no limita con ninguno" .
(All kingdoms border with it but it does not have one with any).


"Estos son los reinos del Paititi, donde se tiene el poder de hacer y desear; donde el burgués sólo encontrara comida y el poeta tal vez pueda abrir la puerta, cerrada desde antiguo, del más purisimo Amor".
(These are the kingdoms of Paititi, where you have the power to do and desire; where the bourgeois will only find food and the poet may be able to open the door, closed since ancient times, of the purest Love).


"Aquí puede verse sin atajos, el color del canto de los pájaros invisibles".
(Here you can see without shortcuts, the color of the song of the invisible birds).