Communication: 2010-08-15 (14)
Place: Quebrada del Paititi
Antenna: Tell-Elam


 Could you give us the name and musical key of the solar disk found in the place called La Nevera in the Dominican Republic?

 How many days should we stay here and what work should we do?

 What should we expect from this place? What are the next steps?

 What can you tell us about the possibility of physical contact in this place and time?

 Can you tell us the location of all the solar disks?

 Can you give us any confirmation with sightings at this stage of the trip?

 What can you tell us about the World Meeting for Argentina in 2011?

 Can you give us guidelines for the groups in Ecuador?

 What can you tell us about possible nearby world events?

 What can you tell us about the delivery of the Book of the White Vestments?


 Yes Oxalc.

 Close to you and with the presence of Master Joaquín, one of the Guardians of the Retreats and member of the Council of the Twelve Minors of Morlen.  

 Beloved children of light in love, from now on you will have continuous access to the Book of White Vestments because you have been awakening consciousness and have grown in love. These days in Paititi have meant recollection and purification for the effort and pain in your outing. It is symbolic but at the same time it is real. All of this will open not only the inner veils and mind, but also the heart in all its dimensions.

 The fact that the interdimensional doors have been removed as a result of the fury of the elements, the same that the path you had located is something that makes you understand that you are not here on an archaeological expedition but of an interdimensional connection, in where everything is always like a first time and more than one here will be able to have physical contact if predisposed for it, but you will have to face the proof of the extreme fatigue and physical effort to which you are subjected.

 Access knowledge by coming into contact with it and what it means, it is in your DNA and around you in this land reserved by the White Brotherhood. Everything is alive in your world, not only because it breathes but because it feels. It's not just important to know. We know it but we have to maintain the ties by letting life manifest through you.

 Each of the solar disks as interdimensional mirrors elements are represented on the main disk of Paititi, where they resonate and vibrate with the same AM-ON mantrams. And their names are in relation to their locations and not with a special name. They are like little hearts that must be kept vibrant and complement the main disk.

 Stay today, tomorrow and the day after here in Paititi, and very early, on the fourth day, return, you will always be accompanied and guided so that your return is faster and less demanding. Just as in the trip of the year 2005, the time of your return will not correspond to the time of your coming, which will mean that you will always have time to act, correct and modify because now you will have the power with you to do and desire.

 Then do one last work on the Pusharo wall when you arrive, thus sealing this journey and opening and opening so that the portal shows you the heart and it is incorporated by the seven, and witnessed by the six, understanding what these numbers mean evolution supported by equilibrium and balance.

 Now heed and accept the invitation of the Lady of Light, Guardian of the place to be evaluated and open yourselves so that the knowledge of the life that she has in store for you reaches you. Nothing remains unchanged because change is evolution, and you are changing with the journey because you are discovering that not only the Mission brought you here but life itself, to commune with it and identify with its spirit to protect and safeguard it.

 Open yourself to the place and the moment, then you will see with different eyes beings and entities from other planes and dimensions eager to send you signs, messages, feelings and emotions. Be attentive to everything because everything will speak to you.

 Remember that you are in the place of infinite possibilities. You are prepared for all of this, from now on they will begin a cascade of transformations in your lives and in the lives of all those they reach with the message in your words and feelings.

 You consciously and physically entered another dimension maintaining consciousness of both planes, which will allow you from now on to remain in that simultaneity.

 Be prepared for physical contacts that will make you see how real and material everything you believe and feel can be. Prepare yourselves for everything that can happen to you from now on. Tomorrow and the next day look at the face of the mountain, you will see something special when the sun illuminates it. With the face we will appear and we will be there.

 In Argentina we will try to achieve greater unity and integration to preserve that region of the planet, so during the World Meeting connect with Antarctica and with the Lemurian sources. We will support them with our presence.

 The solar disks are spread across the planet and are being activated from within you. The work in them and with them has to be done free of all nationalism. On the previous trip in 2005 to this same place we guided them about their location in the world. In other messages and experiences the groups have received or contacted the rest.

 In Ecuador, work activating the magic of change, so that everything really changes for the better and everything that must be awakened and activated there comes to light. And do not be demoralized when doors are closed because they expect from you the will and confidence to cross them.

 Really, with your presence here in Paititi, a stage closes.  

 Open yourselves to receive the Book of the White Vestments, opening your minds and hearts because more than a story or a prophecy, it is a revelation that has been complemented with the one that you must connect with in the Fourth Dimension. In it is the story of the Cosmic Plan, but a story that involves us all. There are therefore many revelations that are in store for you, before everything changes dramatically. And this month and this trip are key to it. 

 With love. 



 "Humble hearts, Daring spirits of poets and adventurers, Speaking with the language of the heart. That language that only the soul understands, Living and teaching the transcendent richness Of the feeling that unites you with the planetary soul, Daring to reach, cross, feel, see, find and become different".  








