COMMUNICATION - TRUJILLO (Alto Salaverry, Peru) 08-03-80 7 PM
"We are your brothers from Venus communicating: We are with you accompanying you in one more outing of your preparation... It is very convenient that you do this, that is, practice Relaxation very often...Remember, practice makes masters.. ...We only ask you, brothers, to do the work; that this work or the works that you will do today are, as you will see, for your benefit. Go ahead.
Regarding experiences (Cosmic Names, Cesium Crystals and Xendra) we tell you that it's not the moment yet, the dates for which you must prepare are for the 22-23 of this month and that will be the case, and each of the instructors will tell you what you have to do and what you have to follow to receive your keys, so important for your progress.
The message we want to give you has been repeated many times and it never hurts to do it again: You must feel a lot of Love, try to feel it; but you will say how? Love comes from the Father, from the Profound, try to feel it, each one carries the Profound within yourselves. Discover yourselves.
Once you feel that Love, love each other, that is, give brothers. Love is not the one you know; Each one will feel love to the degree that he or she has, pure, sincere love for your brother.
We talk to you about Love now because time is short and it is necessary for you to prepare and discover yourselves as beings with a great potential to love and with immense faculties and remember that this awakening of yours implies the awakening of many others; so get ready to feel the love that comes from God to share it among you, among your brothers and all for the good of your world.
- Can you confirm the dates of 22-23?
- Yes brother, not only that, but all the communication to 7:30 p.m.
Your (ET) guides being very close to you: SAMPIAC, RUMILAC, ANITAC, CERES, ANAHUAC".