Communication from Oxalc
Keep calm, we know how difficult it is, in a world like yours, but it is necessary. The only hope of your planet are the children who are arriving to give you wisdom and simplicity.
The responsibility of taking care of them, loving them and guiding them in this carnal body is yours and only yours, we have already given you all the scope. Apply them! Do not get distracted by vain things, send your doubts and sadness to the moon.
You have been told a thousand and once times that you are here only for the sole purpose of love. But what does this mean for some?
Only words, loving is not just saying "I love you", it is acting with love, with benevolence and compassion. If you don't apply some of this you will be forever lost in the circle of the third dimension with all their miseries and misfortunes.
Be grateful to God the Father that everyone has opportunities and gifts to offer, you can help both with money and with a word of encouragement, with an attitude of hope, and above all, being examples of true children of God.
What does the Master who came to teach the way more than 2,000 years ago feel now? When he sees the earth, he feels sadness, but also a lot of love, tolerance and compassion.
He understands your weaknesses, but wants to see your efforts for the great change, do not keep walking in circles, or looking outside when the real is within yourselves, in the recognition of your true self that is one with the Profund, the one who doesn't fear, the one who loves to love without waiting, the one who pities those who suffer, the one who loves his neighbor above defects and virtues, Dare to make the great change within yourselves and the wheel will begin to turn without stop towards the path of true happiness! 
May it be so forever, With divine love.