Communication: 2020-02-07
Place: Lomas de Solymar, Uruguay
Antenna: Eltiarem
Yes, Antarel and Oscim in communication with all of you.
The union of wills and hearts twinned in true love will generate the necessary conditions for the activation and awakening of collective consciousness.
Today more than ever we need you together and active to awaken the memory of what was engraved in your DNA and that will allow you to understand the processes you are living now and will come.
In mid-September it is a good time for you to seek connection with us (the guides) and the masters together. Arequita may be the meeting place, but you must follow your individual and collective preparation in connection with the planetary spirit.
Work together strengthening affinity and harmony. Ecuador will be important, the guidelines for the near future will be received.
At the old stone altar we wait for the seven brothers committed in time for an encounter with us.
With love in the Light.