Communication: 2020-01-31
Place: Quito-Ecuador
Antenna: Faxom
1.- Dates to hold the world meeting in Ecuador
2.- Details of the Meeting
Yes we are your Brothers and Sisters Guides with you.
We are glad for the way in which you have assumed this new responsibility and work, which speaks of maturity and commitment.
The world meeting in Ecuador can take place on the dates from August 4 to 7, at which time the hearts committed to the plan will join.
The work to be carry out will lead you to open the portals that will connect you with new experiences and knowledge that will set the tone for the New Time.
It will be a meeting of the brothers and sisters of the time where they will clarify the path and trace the course to follow as a mission and as well as for each one of you. Therefore, must attend the those who meet the minimum requirements such as: Be graduated from groups and be active in the Mission.
The moment of union is coming, so keep yourself constant in your personal work so that you can continue to channel the guidelines and together we can meet the great objectives.
With Love Oxalc