The Umiña (means Esmerald in Quechua)  is the primary source of life and knowledge.

"This crystal, which you call Umiña and which contains the very essence of the creation of the universe we inhabit, was programmed with a certain number of functions, some unknown to us, that would be activated in the face of certain future events according to a cosmic schedule. "..

"Another purpose of the Umiña, Is to reactivate the forgotten collective memory in human DNA by work of the satanic forces opposed to the Cosmic Plan"..

"Another application scheduled after the quantum leap on December 21, 2012 was to incorporate this crystal into the central Solar Disk in order to restore the Earth the balance in all orders; mineral, vegetable and animal and whose effects would also reach other worlds, something that in the near future you should do as human beings if you achieve the necessary vibration for it. As I told you, the functions of the Umiña are multiple and some of them are unknown to protect the same Plan. "

(Kontur, chief of the guardians of the Star Order) 



Personal report of HellAham

2nd. Part PAITITI 2018


August 10, 2018


After recomposing myself I also entered this second xendra where I was transported to a large hall built in the rock, on my left there were four star guardians who held the Umiña stone in the air that emitted pulses of intense green light that flooded the whole place, and to the right side I saw four masters dressed in white guarding the great solar disk, which was active and pulsing golden light beams that also enveloped the enclosure .

I began to hear the song of the mantram OM that rumbled throughout the environment and there I could see that some of the members of the group were also there with me. I also began to vocalize the OM joining a single sound that came from everywhere, suddenly I felt that a powerful energy was passing through my body and connected to the glass while thousands of images were entering my mind. Then I returned to pay attention to the stellar guardians who were slowly approaching the green stone towards the other end of the room, until at one point the glass was attracted by the solar disk as if it were a magnet, until it was completely fused one with the another and immediately the disc was taking a color between golden and green.

At that moment I also felt a very loud noise, as if two large pieces were coupled. I knew then that the so-called Umiña stone had been incorporated into the solar disk.



The Umiña has a long history in the legends of the original native people that live in Ecuador and the Incas.

The Umiña was given by the Extraterrestrials guides from apu to the Incas. Whoever possessed the stone of power, enable the Inca with great powers, and would be the sovereign.