World press invitations for scheduled sightings


RAMA has invited the world press for scheduled sightings where films and photographs have been taken. In one of them, in 1989, reporters from different countries were invited one month in advanced to witness a scheduled sighting in one of Peru's deserts.

In march 26, 1989, reporters filmed and photographed 5 UFOs that appeared to the reporters that were still in the area. The previous day most of the reporters had left the camp after being disillusioned because they didn't see any UFOs the first night of the outing (march 25).

The first night, March 25, 1989, the following reporters were there:


  • Rosario D'ornellas, Expreso newspaper, Lima.
  • Edilberto Alvarado, Expreso newspaper, Lima.
  • Giuliana Levano and crew members from the magazine Caretas.
  • Pablo de Madalengoitea, TV channel 4 (America Television).
  • Alejandro Guerrero with 2 assistants from the TV channel 5, Panamericana Television.

Unites States:

  • Beatriz Parga del Miami Herald newspaper.
  • Jose Gray and a crew member from TV Channel 23, Miami, Florida.
  • Leticia Callava, one crew member and one assistant from TV channel 51 Telemundo, Miami, Florida.
  • Gilda Miroz from Radio Hit, New York, New York.


  • Joan Basseda with some assistants from Radio el Vendrell, Cataluña.

Dominican Republic:

  • Freddy Veras Goico with some assistants and crew members from the TV show "El Gordo de la semana", Santo Domingo.
  • Hugo Chavez from the Colorvision TV station.
  • Nuria Piera with some assistants and crew members from the Dominican Television.

Puerto Rico:

  • Milagros .. from an important magazine from Puerto Rico.

There were also:

  • One reporter from Salvador;
  • Two reporters from Londres, England that lived in Spain.

The following night, the reporters that stayed and filmed/photographed UFO's on March 26, 1989:

  • Edilberto Alvarado, Peru.
  • Leticia Callava, crew members and assistants, U.S.A.
  • Beatriz Parga, U.S.A.
  • Hugo Chavez, Dominican Republic.
  • Jose Gray, U.S.A.
  • Rolando Vera, Argentina.


Video in Spanish with UFO sightings:

 1989 World Press Outing to Chilca, Peru