The Minius
The Minius connect all realities and it's everwhere including ourselves. It was a source of energy, powerful, magical, which had been detected with the great Hadron Accelerators. The Apunians already knew that "Holy Grail" cosmic. They call it Minius, "the particle before nothing.
The Minius energy will allow you to "link" with "eternity": the realm of the invisible that shapes the other elements.
It's the first source of energy, the essence of the origin of the universe. It is the key to the principle and its projection, an equation of eternity that allows action in the visible and the invisible. You should not interpreted it only as a scientific knowledge about the nature of the cosmos, it is, above all, a spiritual message, beyond its practical application in space travel technology,
You can understand a little more about its nature if you go into yourself, in the node of force that you treasure, that pulses, that lives in the deepest of its energy. The Minius is similar to what you call "black hole": it is a "door" of entry and exit. And its force penetrates everything. It transmutes everything. Like the cosmic radiations that are invisible to your eyes and yet exist, the Minius has remained silent within the genetic structure of life itself.
The minius is the smallest particle inside the atom.
Message of June 21, 2015
1. The Minius is the first source of energy, the essence of the origin of the Universe. It is the key to the principle and its projection: an equation of eternity that allows action in the visible and invisible.
2. They should not interpret it only as a scientific knowledge about the nature of the cosmos. It is, above that, a spiritual message, beyond its practical application in space travel technology.
3. You will be able to understand your nature a little more if you go into yourself, in the node of strength that you treasure, that you press, that lives in the deepest of your energy (in reference to the "Divine Particle").
4. The Minius is similar to what you call a "black hole": it is a "door" of entry and exit. And his strength penetrates everything. It transmutes everything.
5. Just as the cosmic radiations that are invisible to your eyes and yet exist, the Minius has remained silent within the structure of the genetic code of life itself. Earth science men have not yet been able to unravel this secret, which is present throughout the Universe. But try to approach this revelation through a bold study of the subatomic world.
6. The delivery of an adaptation of the Minius can help you to reactivate that cosmic connection that integrates and harmonizes you with Creation. After that understanding, you can "do", and move in different membranes of reality at will. You will see it.
7. The "Tesseract" has different functions to work holographically with the Minius, "replicating" what is naturally in you. This "spiritual technology" will be the way of working from now on.
Note: This information is from the "Contact from Planet Apu" and "The Ark" books by Ricardo González, and his web site in Spanish.