In the Universe exist all kinds of life forms, the Extraterrestrials have all kinds of looks, the one that have visiting us have faces like a feline, a bird, etc, some even have bodies of energy only but the guides selected to be our guides look like us.
Some of the images of the Extraterrestrial and Intraterrestrial Guides that have been drawn from memory and others using psychographic communications.
Abudamir, Intraterrestrial Master
Alcir, an Intraterrestrial Master
Amani. Maestra
Anitac. Guide.
Antar Sherat.
Antar, Guide
Antarel, Guide
Astar. Guide.
Meth. Guide.
Oscim. Guide.
Soloviac. Guide.
Oxalc. Guide.
Rumilac. Guide.
Soromez. Intraterrestrial Guide.
Xenon. Guide.
Cover of the first RAMA book published and distributed free of charge.
Drawing showing height of a person from Ganymide (Jupiter's moon) mostly from Orion, one from earth, and one from the Planet Apu in Alpha Centauri.