The Kybalion
by Hermes Trismegistus, the Atlantean.
The Seven Universal principles
1- The Principle of Mentality
The All, All that is, is Mind. The universe is mental, our physical universe was created by the mental universe. We have to power to co-create in this physical universe using our mental powers.
2.- The Principle of Correspondence
As it is Above so is below. Our bodies have the same cosmic matter and is ruled by the same physical laws as in the whole universe , the stars, the galaxies, the atoms.
3.- The Principle of Vibration
Nothing is motionless, everything moves, everything vibrates. What seems like a solid it is actually a dynamic place where atoms are vibrating. Our thoughts, our bodies are in constant movement.
4.- The Principle of Polarity
Everything is double, everything has two poles, everything is a pair of opposites. Similar and antagonistic are the same. Opposites are identical in nature but different in degree. Extremes touch. All truths are semi-truthful, all paradoxes can be reconciled.
5.- The Principle of Rhythm
Everything comes and goes, everything has its periods of advancement and regression. Everything ascends and descends, everything moves as a pendulum. the measure of movement in one direction is the same as the measurement of movement in its opposite. Rhythm is the compensation.
6.- The Principle of Causality (Karma)
"Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. Everything happens according to the law. Luck is only a name that is given to an unknown law. There are many planes of causality, but nothing escapes the law.". The effect may come later in our next re-incarnation[s].
7.- The Principle of Gender
Gender exists everywhere. Everything has the masculine and the feminine principles. Gender manifests in all planes.