Hits: 422

Communication from the ET Elder brother Joaquin from Morlen(Ganymide)

Date: June 29, 2019
Place: Tampere, Finland
Antenna: M..ac


The truth comes when we are ready or not.  Always keep in mind that the truth as you know it is a mirage of humanity given by those who want you to be on the path of darkness.

Keep in mind that the truth is within each one of you and is always ready to be accessed by you when you make the effort to find it within you.

Pray, value what you have inside you that is nothing more than a gift from God that was given to you to use it against the material attachments of humanity.

Pray without stopping my brothers, trust is given according to your principles of melancholy and detachment of you.

In the morning you will fast as this brings you closer to yourselves and to us by raising your constant vibrations with love.

Always keep in mind what is lost and loved by you, after all, you over estimate your powers numbed by the sunset in the awakening of consciousness.

Love my brothers, there is the key, love brothers without stopping and the doors to understanding will be given to all who find themselves.

Love my brothers, the time is now and now it is now.

Time will have to reflect in the mornings of today.

Breathe brothers always be careful with your thoughts and you can better order what you want.

Love brothers that the sun is already taking place to see a better sunrise.

Love brothers, always love.
